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U.S. Navy setting up new punishment squad called the CCDA to punish vaccine resisters by ‘administrative separation’
By News Editors // Sep 09, 2021

The United States Navy is forming a new disciplinary squad to punish vaccine resisters, according to an unclassified NAVADMIN memo. The Navy policy document from Washington, D.C. states that a new “central authority” called the COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority (CCDA) will be the arbiter of punishing unvaccinated military members. The document states that the CCDA will “serve as the central authority for adjudication and will have at his or her disposal the full range of administrative and disciplinary actions.” Patriotic military heroes are outraged by the Biden regime’s actions. “Lastly, in paragraph 3.e.(5), the Navy is establishing some sort of gestapo COVID squad called the CCDA who will be in charge of doling out our punishments and determining our ultimate fate. Their guidance will be released in a “later” instruction,” a top U.S. Naval officer tells NATIONAL FILE. One of the punishments listed is “administrative separation” for a vaccine-refusing military member.


(Article by Patrick Howley republished from NationalFile.com)

For Navy service members who remain unvaccinated, and who have or 

are expected to exceed the time requirements of paragraph 3.b, their ultimate

disposition will be determined by the designated COVID Consolidated

Disposition Authority (CCDA). The CCDA will serve as the central authority

for adjudication and will have at his or her disposal the full range of

administrative and disciplinary actions. Until further notice, authority is

withheld for initiating non- judicial punishment, courts-martial, or

administrative separation in cases of Navy Service Members refusing the

vaccine. The assigned CCDA and specific required reporting procedures and

information will be promulgated via separate message.


Read more at: NationalFile.com and Tyranny.news

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