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American teens trapped by Taliban soldiers have 48 hours to escape before Biden abandons them: Report
By News Editors // Aug 31, 2021

According to numerous reports from right- and left-leaning news sources, the Biden administration is pulling all troops out of Afghanistan in roughly 48 hours.


(Article by Michael Austin republished from WesternJournal.com)

Any Americans left behind may have to fend for themselves.

And, as of now, those left behind reportedly include a group of roughly two dozen high school students from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon, California.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the 24 students and 16 parents accompanying them are among the thousands of individuals left in Afghanistan.

President Joe Biden’s hasty, reckless troop withdrawal has left thousands of Americans stranded in the country and unable to enter the Kabul airport thanks to various Taliban blockades surrounding the area.

These very blockades are preventing families from escaping the country, according to the Times’ report.

Cajon Valley School Board President Tamara Otero said many families from her district have tickets to fly home but are "not able to get to the airport."

"The biggest concern is that the Taliban closed the airport," Otero said, according to the Times. "We are so worried about our students that are stuck there. We’ll do the best we can to get them out."

While other countries — such as France and the U.K. — are sending in special forces troops to rescue their own citizens trapped outside the airport, the Biden administration has chosen to negotiate with the Taliban, apparently to no avail.

Terrorists are allegedly blocking American high school students from leaving Afghanistan and our commander-in-chief isn’t doing anything to stop it.

In fact, if multiple reports coming from both right- and left-leaning outlets are to be believed, Biden may be abandoning those children in as little as 48 hours.

Reporting from Lara Seligman of Politico, Richard Engel of NBC News, Shelby Talcott of The Daily Caller and Bret Baier of Fox News all indicates that Biden could be pulling out the rest of the U.S. troops very soon, leaving Americans left behind to fend for themselves.




One source reportedly told Baier “once Aug. 31 hits, they will help nobody else, U.S. or Afghan.”


The crisis in Afghanistan is quite possibly the worst foreign policy disaster of the past several decades.

And now, it looks like American high school students will pay for Joe Biden’s mistake.

Read more at: WesternJournal.com and JoeBiden.news.

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