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Missed an episode? All Brighteon.TV live broadcasts now archived at Brighteon.com
By Ethan Huff // Aug 29, 2021

If you have yet to check out the all-new Brighteon.TV streaming platform featuring live content, you really should. And if you miss anything, you can always catch it later by pulling it up in the Brighteon.com archive.


All this weekend, Brighteon.TV will be streaming the Bards Fest freedom event live from St. Charles, Mo. This event, in case you missed our coverage about it, is featuring a solid line-up of speakers, musical artists and other presenters who will discuss today's issues from a pro-freedom perspective.

Bards Fest is a great inaugural event for Brighteon.TV, which officially launched on August 24. The platform will run programming every day from 9am to 9pm EST, with most of the shows coming to you live right on your computer screen – or to your Apple TV, Roku or other television mirroring device.

Since many people work during these hours, all shows from Brighteon.TV will be fully archived at the Brighteon.com archive channel for your viewing convenience. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the archive whenever live viewing is not an option.

Everything at Brighteon.TV is free to watch, by the way. There is no registration or subscription fee required, just a few carefully curated advertisements sprinkled in to help pay for the service.

All ads support the overall mission of Brighteon.TV, which is to spread freedom and liberty across the land – if you are interested in advertising your product or service there, you can inquire at [email protected].

Liberty programming brought to you daily with the touch of a button

Since we know that some of our readers and viewers are unable to watch Bards Fest live but still want to partake in the event, we have made it really simple to catch the speakers and musical performers later on via the Brighteon.com archive.

Keep in mind that you can also catch a full repeat of the day's programming between the hours of 9pm EST going into 9am EST the following day. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, will also discuss each day's lineup in a 30-minute Situation Update video that will stream each afternoon Monday through Friday.

While the August 26-29 Brighteon.TV lineup will be devoted almost exclusively to Bards Fest, you can catch programs like "Let's Talk America" with Alan Keyes and "The Stew Peters Show" with Stew Peters during the Monday through Friday time block – a full schedule of Brighteon.TV shows is available at this link.

Similar to a normal television channel, Brighteon.TV is simple: just click the play button at the website and your favorite liberty shows will start playing instantly. It could not be easier, and the same is true for the Brighteon.com archive, which is easily searchable for whatever content you may have missed from the previous day or week.

We are excited to be launching this powerful streaming platform and believe that it will help to spread the liberty message even further, right alongside our existing platforms. Check it out and see what you think, and share any feedback you might have about what we can do to make it even better.

"We expect Brighteon.TV to come under intense, coordinated DDoS and cyber warfare attacks from the moment it launches, so expect some glitches along the way," says the Health Ranger about some of the possible hiccups that users may experience at times when trying to access the platform.

"The anti-human, Satanic globalists don't want platforms like Brighteon.TV to exist, and they will do everything in their power to try to bring it down."

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