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Unvaccinated people have already achieved herd immunity, while the VACCINATED are now getting sick as their vaccines fail
By Ethan Huff // Aug 25, 2021

New research has found that rates of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) infection among the "unvaccinated" are plummeting at the same time that infections among the "fully vaccinated" are skyrocketing.


Herd immunity has already been achieved among those who did not get an "Operation Warp Speed" shot, it turns out, while mutated disease is spreading like wildfire among the jab takers who have become walking virus factories.

In the United Kingdom, for instance, symptomatic "cases" of the Fauci Flu soared by 40 percent in one week recently among the fully vaccinated. On the contrary during the same time period, the number of cases among the unvaccinated declined by 22 percent.

"This suggests the wave among unvaccinated has peaked and that natural herd immunity has set in, while 'vaccinated' individuals are actually becoming more prone to infection," reports Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Perhaps the most damning piece of new evidence is the fact that vaccine-induced herd immunity is an impossibility, which makes Tony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, and the other covid vaccine pushers liars.

"100 fully injected crew members had tested positive onboard the British Defense aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth. The Navy ship has a case rate of 1 in 16 – the highest case rate recorded," Dr. Mercola adds.

"This suggests vaccine-induced herd immunity is impossible, as these injections apparently cannot prevent COVID-19 even if 100% of a given population gets them."

Covid vaccines have destroyed the possibility of herd immunity, at least among the fully vaccinated

Mathematically speaking, it is an impossibility for Chinese Virus injections to ever produce herd immunity. The only people who stand a chance at producing permanent immunity are those who just say no to the jabs.

The four currently available jabs all provide an absolute risk reduction of between 0.7 percent and 1.3 percent, while the non-institutionalized infection fatality ratio across all age groups is a measly 0.26 percent.

"Since the absolute risk that needs to be overcome is lower than the absolute risk reduction these injections can provide, mass vaccination simply cannot have a favorable impact," Dr. Mercola explains.

What this means, of course, is that the latest "wave" of illnesses and deaths is a direct product of people getting vaccinated. The vaccinated, in other words, are directly to blame for spreading more disease and death.

The "pandemic" would have been over a long time ago had Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump – these are his words to describe himself, by the way – had never allowed any vaccines to be introduced under his guidance and leadership.

If Trump was supposedly not a fan of these injections as some still claim, then he would not still be going around bragging about them like they were his own accomplishment while urging his supporters, including at his recent rally in Cullman, Ala., to get jabbed at "warp speed."

Nevertheless, the jabs are with us now and the consequences are only just beginning to manifest. The vaccinated have become disease incubators for the latest "variants," which they are spreading to those with whom they come into contact on a daily basis.

This makes the vaccinated an existential threat to public health who should be avoided at all costs whenever possible. It is not worth the risk of spending time around a vaccinated person who could make you sick or even kill you by spreading a deadly vaccine-induced variant to you or your family.

Unfortunately, you will never hear this truth from the likes of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is doing everything in its power to keep you from ever knowing the full scope of it.

To keep up with the latest news about the deadly and ineffective Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections, visit ChemicalViolence.com.

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