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Vaccine Remorse hits America
By S.D. Wells // Jun 22, 2021

Just like buyer's remorse after you spend a lot of money on a product that you realize you don't want, and should not have acquired, millions of Americans are experiencing vaccine remorse after getting jabbed with central nervous system disrupting, blood clotting, dirty Covid-19 vaccines. For many others, the remorse is for their relatives, friends, neighbors and coworkers who died from the jabs. For millions of others yet, the Covid-19 vaccine GIVES them Covid-19, thus materializing, ironically, their greatest fear.


The worst part is that the "customers" can't take the vaccines "back." Bad deposit, no return. It doesn't matter if you have your "receipt" (vaccine ID card or passport), because there's NO undoing mRNA codes once they're embedded in your cells. They sneak in like a poisoned Trojan horse and invade the space, the message between your DNA and your RNA, and that's that. You're all set. Recoded to produce unlimited prions and proteins into your blood, that travel far beyond just the sore muscle tissue where they stabbed the technology into your arm.

The vaccine "muscle myth" busted: Spike proteins DO cleave off your cells and travel throughout the body via your blood

Spike proteins cleave off (break away from) the cell, and leave the injection site, traveling throughout your body and brain, counter to what the dirty vaccine manufacturers, the corrupt FDA and their co-conspirators at the CDC are telling everybody. If you want to understand the science, the real science, behind mRNA, listen to the scientist who MADE it, who discovered it, pioneered it, and is blowing the whistle on it right now. Get ready to get "red pilled" on the truth about these dirty, plandemic Covid-19 inoculations:


Sold! Now, after half of all Americans at least got their first Covid-19 jab, if not their second, millions of patients are discovering immediate or oddly delayed vaccine injuries, some that seem now permanent, including loss of vision, hearing and blood-clot-polluted organs. You were "sold" a lie, for free. People are now suffering mass loss of motor skills, simple tasks they did just fine before the vaccine(s), but can barely do or can't do now, including holding a glass of water, brushing their own teeth, driving a car, jogging, and the list goes on.

This is buyer's remorse of the most extreme kind, and these people are starting to figure out WHY the vaccines are free and being promoted with so much propaganda and "free stuff."

Buyer's remorse is usually associated with expensive items, like motor vehicles or real estate, but now it's from something consumers got that was free and corrupted - dirty vaccines

How did you get so scared about coronavirus that you rushed out and got an experimental vaccine? Would you take it back now if you could, return it, and undo the mRNA-prion-creating function that's now part of who you are, and what you are? Remember, back in the 1990s, when all the natural health advocates were screaming out to ban GMOs?

That was for good reason. The food is now corrupted with pesticide-creating genes, and now, 30 years later, your body is corrupted with prion-creating genes, and you could end up with mad cow disease, going psychotic in the fight against the "invaders" – pathogens your body is now programmed to create and is spreading throughout your blood.

This is much more than a "period of mental discomfort." This is more than some feelings of regret and anxiety after making a significant purchase, but how did it come to this for half of all Americans? It's called cognitive dissonance, where people do what they feel compelled to do by outside forces in order to avoid stress on a subconscious level. The media sets up everyone "watching" for the ultimate stress reliever, and that is post-vaccine confidence, but it's a trap. It's a trap like wandering out into the very "low-tide" sandbar just before the tsunami comes. There's no escape.

You missed the better option, if you've been inoculated for the China Flu. Vitamin D and zinc, plus medicinal mushrooms that build immunity are key. Look into the power of superfoods and herbal tinctures too.

Visit CovidVaccineReactions.com if you already got a toxic Covid jab or two and you are experiencing side effects, blood clots or other adverse events. Then tune your internet frequency to Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity being delivered under the guise of inoculation.

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