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[VIDEO] If you attack me, you’re really attacking science – Fauci tells MSNBC
By News Editors // Jun 10, 2021

Fauci told MSNBC host Chuck Todd today that if you attack him, you are really attacking science. Not kidding.


(Article republished from TheRightScoop.com)

Wow. What an arrogant statement from Fauci. He’s essentially saying he’s never been wrong and that all of his critics are wrong, because he’s SCIENCE or something.

Tell that to Governor Ron DeSantis, who opened up his state last September and has been rocking and rolling ever since. Tell that to the governors of Texas and Mississippi, who opened their states in March against the advice of Fauci and are doing great.

Fauci may think he’s the embodiment of science, but his advice clearly hasn’t always been correct. Especially when it comes to the origin of COVID, where it appears he was lying to keep the spotlight off him and his organization.

Here’s some reaction to this amazing clip:






Read more at: TheRightScoop.com and Lunatics.news.

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