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Prepper must-haves: 14 Ways to use baking soda on your homestead
By Zoey Sky // Apr 26, 2021

Baking soda is a must-have in any homesteader's pantry because it's used as an ingredient for cakes, cookies and other baked goods. In a pinch, baking soda can also be used to keep your teeth clean and to get rid of bad odors in your drains or trash cans. (h/t to FoodStorageMoms.com)


Here are 15 incredible uses for baking soda on your homestead.

It can get rid of bad breath

If your breath smells a little funky, use baking soda to freshen up. First, add one teaspoon of baking soda to a cup of warm water. Let the powder fully dissolve, then gargle with the mixture for 30 seconds to one minute for best results.

Gargle with the baking soda mixture every day for a few days. Gargling with baking soda water helps get rid of all the bacteria hiding in the nooks and crannies of your mouth and teeth, which then helps get rid of bad breath.

It can make your teeth shine

For a brighter smile, add a sprinkle of baking soda to your toothpaste.

It can be used as an exfoliant

Baking soda can also be used to keep your skin healthy and glowing. Make a simple baking soda paste by adding a teaspoon of baking soda for every teaspoon of water. Mix well until you have a watery paste.

Apply the paste with circular motions and scrub your face for at least two minutes. Rinse the baking soda paste from your face using warm water and a clean towel. (Related: Prepping essentials: The medicinal and survival uses of baking soda.)

Before using the baking soda paste, do a simple patch test to see if your skin is sensitive to baking soda.

It can eliminate odors from the trash can

If your kitchen trash can smells bad, use baking soda with water to make a paste to scrub the trash can. Alternatively, you can sprinkle baking soda into the trash can or trash bag to get rid of the smell.

It can get rid of musty smells

If someone's room or closet smells musty, sprinkle baking soda to get rid of the odor. You can also leave an open box of baking soda in your refrigerator to get rid of weird smells.

It can eliminate foul odors from your drains

To freshen up your drains, take half a cup of baking soda and pour it down the drain. Next, pour some warm water down the drain.

It can clean wall scribbles

If your kids scribble on your walls with crayons, use baking soda to clean up their artwork. Get some baking soda and apply it to a warm damp sponge to clean markings and stains.

It can neutralize carpet odors and stains

Carpets are soft, but they tend to absorb liquids that leave odors and stains. To get rid of musty odors, pour baking soda directly onto the carpet. The powder will go deep into the carpet fibers and help absorb odors.

To eliminate stains, mix baking soda with water. Apply the baking soda paste generously and cover the stain.

The longer the baking soda or paste sits on stains and carpet odors, the better. Once you're done, use a vacuum cleaner to clean up the residue after the paste has dried out.

It can get rid of bathroom stains

Use baking soda to remove stains from the sink, toilet, fixtures, tub and tiles. Put some baking soda on a damp sponge and scrub stains in the sink, then rinse it off. Dry the area with a towel.

It can clean your oven

To clean tough stains in the oven, take a sponge, dip it in warm water and sprinkle baking soda onto it before gently cleaning your oven.

It can clean pots and pans

To clean burned pans, cover the bottom of the pan with baking soda and add water until you have a thin paste. Heat the pan on the stove until it comes to a boil, then remove it from the heat.

Let the paste cool and wipe or scrub the pot to remove the burnt food on your pan.

It can remove floor scuffs

To clean floor scuffs, get a sponge, dip it in warm water and add some baking soda. Scrub to get rid of floor scuffs.

It gives laundry detergent an extra boost

Adding baking soda to laundry detergent also helps remove odors from clothes. When you're doing the laundry, add half a cup of baking soda to your laundry detergent. This helps freshen up clothes and eliminates odors.

It can stop grease fires

If you have an accident while cooking, throw baking soda directly onto a small grease fire to douse the flames. But if the flames get out of control, get out of the kitchen and call 911.

Stock up on baking soda to keep your homestead clean and smelling fresh.

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