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As new migrant crisis deepens, Biden admin tells DHS to hide numbers from media, elected leaders
By JD Heyes // Mar 25, 2021

Democrats routinely accuse their political opponents for doing things they themselves are doing, such as when they called former President Donald Trump the least transparent president in history.


In fact, Trump was an open book: He declassified phone calls with foreign leaders, which is unprecedented; he actually kept his campaign promises; and he was investigated time and time again, only for his political foes to come up empty each time.

Now we’re seeing Democrats lie again — about transparency.

It took Trump about three years to really get a grip on border security and get the endless migrant waves and caravans shut down. It took agreements with Mexico, and threats of ending U.S. aid to Guatemala and El Salvador, as well as hundreds of miles of new border wall and a commitment to strict enforcement policies, but he did it.

And on day one, Joe Biden began signing executive orders overturning all of that progress, which sent a clear signal to Central Americans that the border was once again wide open. 

Biden never campaigned on an open borders platform; in fact, he claimed that he would ensure the border was secure, as Trump had done.

He lied — well, okay, his handlers lied — and now we have new migrant hordes showing up by the thousands every day, only to be processed and then released into the interior of the country, some sick with COVID.

And now the Biden regime is trying to hide the numbers, according to Breitbart News: 

A senior-level law enforcement source in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) told Breitbart Texas they received verbal orders from within the agency limiting their ability to speak freely about the growing crisis along the border.

The official with knowledge of the restrictions spoke under the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak on the matter. 

“The situation with media relations now is night and day compared to the last administration,” the official said. “We have been advised not to speak on immigration issues at the border and to rely on DHS’s Office of Public Affairs and the Whitehouse Press Office to handle messaging.”

What’s more, the report notes, the verbal order was issued to all senior-level law enforcement officials within DHS and there is no termination date. It came as border officials were already struggling to handle and process hundreds, and now thousands, of migrants per day.

That said, even some Democrats are tearing into the Biden regime, especially those who represent constituents living along the border.

“I now know that they’re bringing people from McAllen over to Laredo, processing them in Laredo, and they’re going to release them in my community,” U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar told Fox News last week. “I can tell you this, those numbers of people that are being released, they’re purposely withholding that information.

“I’ve seen this before, don’t let the local communities know what you’re doing, where they’re starting to bring people in from the valley, process them in Laredo, release them at a bus station. And, again, I’ve seen this before in the past,” he added.

Last week, Biden the Frail sent representatives of the administration down to the border to ‘see for themselves’ the cause-and-effect of their policies. Included in the contingent of officials, reports said, were DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Domestic Policy Council Director Susan Rice, who is reputed to be the one who is really running the regime.

As for the border crisis, of course it’s purposeful. It’s clear Biden doesn’t know what’s going on because his mind is gone, but those of his handlers — Rice, among others — know exactly what they’re doing, and that is this: Purposefully harming the American working class a) because it trends towards Trump now; and b) because getting rid of the American worker means replacing them with cheap labor from the third world, which helps their corporatist donors.

Democrats are evil people. 

See more reporting like this at OpenBorders.news.

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