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Endocrine-disrupting agrochemicals are leading to a human extinction event
By Ethan Huff // Mar 19, 2021

There are many ways by which the eugenicists of the world are working to depopulate the planet. And one of their most favored and effective weapons, we now know, is crop chemicals.


The spraying of everything from atrazine to glyphosate (Roundup) on conventional food is effectively breaking down the human endocrine system. Males seem to be bearing the brunt of this as sperm counts have plummeted to the point that human reproduction might soon be impossible without technology.

It is all part of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, which is heavily promoted by Bill Gates and his ilk. As Great Britain's misanthropic Prince Philip once stated, the ultimate goal is the "thinning of the human herd," and pesticides and herbicides are making great strides towards this end.

"Modern scientific agriculture" is merely a cover story for the planned extermination of most of the world's population, though the worst of it seems to be aimed at Americans. Food, water, and air are loaded with deadly chemicals that were specifically designed to kill humans.

Over the past four decades, sperm counts in the United States have cratered by more than 50 percent. Today's young men produce less than half the amount of sperm that their grandfathers did, and much of this is due to persistent chemical exposure.

By the year 2050, experts speculate that all humans will require technological assistance in order to procreate. And we have Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta, DowDuPont (now Corteva), and the rest of the crop chemical lobby to thank for this horrific new reality.

"Among unselected Western studies, the mean sperm concentration declined, on average, 1.4% per year with an overall decline of 52.4% between 1973 and 2011," writes Dr. Shanna Shaw in her book Count Down. "This same group of males had "an average decline in mean TSC (total sperm count) of 1.6% per year and overall decline of 59.3%."

This equates to a more than 59 percent decline in sperm count among men living not only in North America but also in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. In other words, Western men are right in the crosshairs of the eugenics agenda.

Men in China, Taiwan and Israel are also losing their ability to produce sperm

It is not just the West that faces a sperm crisis, though. Fifteen years ago in China, more than half of all potential sperm donors met the nation's quality standards. Today, a mere 18 percent qualify for giving donations.

Similar declines are occurring in Taiwan and Israel, both of which are seeing an epidemic of poor semen quality and plummeting testosterone levels. Everything is now being feminized, it would seem.

"[M]ale reproductive health, not just semen quality by the way, is in trouble, and this has consequences, not just for the ability to have a child, but it also impacts the health of the man," Shaw explains in her book.

Examples of this include low sperm count, infertility, testicular cancer, and various "general defects," Shaw says, a few examples being "undescended testicles" and "a condition where the opening of the urethra is not where it should be."

Plastics are another major source of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, also known as EDCs. The phthalates used to soften plastic materials, as well as BPA, which is used to harden plastic, are both a continued threat to the viability of men in today's world.

The truth of the matter is that none of this is an accident. It was all planned long ago for such a time as this, and it will continue unless people rise up and say enough to this chemical onslaught.

"We are rapidly making the human species extinct as we continue to ignore dangers of these toxins to human and other life forms."

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