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Conservatives now calling for huge cuts to military budget as Pentagon goes full “woke”
By Ethan Huff // Mar 19, 2021

The United States military is facing major backlash for its newfound promotion of "woke" culture within the armed forces.


After fake "president" Joe Biden told America that the military needs more "maternity flight suits" for pregnant fighter pilots, the Pentagon came out and made some bizarre declarations about how expectant mothers are going to "dominate" on the battlefield.

Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson devoted an entire segment to the issue, which itself drew criticism from left-wingers who claim he is "disrespecting" the military.

The reality, though, is that the military is disrespecting itself. The conservative elements of American society that would normally support the military are now second-guessing whether it should even be funded anymore at current levels.

All over Twitter, critics blasted the military and the Pentagon for making a mockery out of our nation's defense apparatus.

"Active duty military openly taking a political side is, uh, at least 100x more concerning than anything Trump ever tweeted," wrote a user named Rachel Bovard in response to a disturbing tweet from Sgt. Major of the Army Michael Grinston.

Grinston says that women are the ones leading America's "most lethal units." He further says that women "will dominate ANY future battlefield we're called to fight on."

Grinston also blasted Carlson for daring to question this new narrative, calling Carlson's words "divisive" and not a reflection of "our values."

II Marine Expeditionary Force apologizes for unprofessional Twitter comment aimed at Carlson

Another Twitter user lamented the fact that America's "elite class has been ideologically captured in a way we haven't seen since the 1930s."

"Trumpism was a rebuke of this, but a moderate one – an attempt to curb their worst excesses," this same person wrote. "In response, the elite monoclass went full scorched earth. Which it proved it has the power to do."

Benjamin Weingarten, a senior contributor at The Federalist, added that the politicization of the military has "never been more brazen and out in the open" than it is under China Joe.

"Can't even begin to fathom the national security consequences," he warned.

Another made an interesting observation about how Carlson's segment on Fox has done more to damage the military in the eyes of the conservative demographic that would normally support it "than twenty years of incompetence and failure in the Middle East."

Hilariously, one Twitter user compared Grinston's statement to the "nurses' twerking videos last year," referring to the dancing nurses who were so bored at their dead Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) units that they started making choreographed TikTok videos and sharing them across social media.

"Perfect time for @DrPaulGosar to propose cutting $100 billion from the @DeptofDefense next fiscal year and sending that as relief checks to the American people," added another Twitter user, joining the chorus of criticism against Biden's military.

At one point, even the II Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) chimed in with a response to Carlson that many noticed was highly unprofessional and similar to what Walmart did back in January by directing nasty comments at Trump supporters.

"We are human and we messed up," the II MEF Information Group account wrote in a follow-up apology to the comment, which rudely implied that Carlson should have no say in the matter because he has never been pregnant.

"We intended to speak up for female Marines and it was an effort to support them. They are a crucial part to our corps and we need them to know that. We will adjust fire and ensure the utmost professionalism in our tweets."

More related news about the destruction of the U.S. military at the hands of the Biden regime can be found at PoliticalCorrectness.news.

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