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Biden pick for Homeland Security will be a disaster and lead the reversal of Trump-era policies that kept America safe
By JD Heyes // Feb 04, 2021

With a name like the “Department of Homeland Security,” Americans would naturally expect that the official nominated and appointed to lead it actually had securing the American homeland as his or her number one priority.


That doesn’t appear to be the case with the careerist bureaucrat Joe Biden has picked to run his DHS.

Set up following the worst terrorist attack on American soil — the 9/11 attacks — DHS’ first priority was to become the lead agency to identify and mitigate similar attacks on our people. 

The massive new department not only became the umbrella organization for a number of existing federal agencies — FEMA, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Secret Service, among others — but it was also home to newly created agencies with a homeland security mission such as the Transportation Security Agency.

For the most part, DHS directors have been competent people serving in both Republican and Democratic administrations (yes, even Obama’s DHS was fairly decent and effective).

But Joe Biden seeks to change all of that or, more accurately, his left-wing, Marxist handlers: ‘He’ has nominated Alejandro Mayorkas, whom Republican critics say is exactly the wrong person to oversee the country’s homeland security.

According to the Washington Examiner, Mayorkas’ critics have created a “rap sheet” highlighting all of the reasons why his confirmation should not happen: 

The six-page document, “Brief History of Corruption, Scandals, Retaliation, and Lawlessness,” was provided by Hill sources and dates controversies back to the Clinton era and Mayorkas’s involvement in the highly controversial last-minute pardons that the president issued.

It also highlights alleged favoritism and visa abuse during his time as the director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. It pulls from a very critical inspector general’s report that said he helped politically connected allies get special visas, including a firm run by former Clinton fundraiser Terry McAuliffe.

What is causing critics the most heartburn is Mayorkas’ disturbing record of targeting regime critics and whistleblowers as well as his involvement in crafting the Obama-era policy for so-called “Dreamers,” an unconstitutional dictat issued by the 44th president to circumvent Congress and bypass existing immigration law to allow younger people in the country illegally to remain — essentially an amnesty. (Related: Tucker Carlson warns that the Democrat Party has launched war on half of America.)

During his confirmation hearings last week, the leftist functionary tried to dispel concerns about his past, but Republicans put a damper on the nomination process to “send a signal they will be watching,” a source told the outlet. 

That said, it likely won’t matter: Though the upper chamber is evenly divided at 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats, it is still controlled by Biden because Vice President Kamala Harris holds the tie-breaking vote.

But wait, as they say, there’s more.

“Two of … Biden’s top Cabinet picks played key roles in a clemency scandal that shook Los Angeles and Minnesota two decades ago, when the early release of a convicted cocaine trafficker raised complaints of political favoritism and drew sharp condemnations from prosecutors,” the Washington Post actually reported this month in a random act of journalism.

“California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, whom Biden has announced he intends to nominate as health and human services secretary, and Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s pick for homeland security secretary, were among several prominent Los Angeles figures who reached out to the White House about the sentence of Carlos Vignali Jr., whose father was a wealthy entrepreneur and major Democratic donor in California,” the paper continued. 

On Clinton’s last day in office in 2001, he commuted Vignali’s sentence — after being contacted by Becerra and Mayorkas and after Vignali’s father, Horacio, paid $200,000 to Hugh Rodham, brother of Hillary Clinton.

In an interview, U.S. District Judge David Doty, who sentenced the younger Vignali, was ticked off. 

“It was outrageous,” he said, adding that Vignali did not have any remorse whatsoever over his involvement in the criminal enterprise.

And Americans wonder why our political system never improves; we keep electing the same people who screwed it up and they keep appointing the same people who abuse their power.

See more reporting like this at WhiteHouse.news.

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