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Check to see if Instagram is forcing you to follow The White House account
By News Editors // Jan 26, 2021

On Friday, Instagram users began pointing out that they are following The White House account through no action of their own. This move can only be described as totally above-board and not fishy in any way.


(Article republished from NotTheBee.com)

If you take a quick scroll through some of the thousands of comments on the account's posts (which I encourage you to do for the entertainment value), you'll begin to notice that every few comments is one from a person saying "Who else is here by force?" These comments have thousands of likes.

Big Tech-Censorship is one thing, but Big Tech-Enforcement is another. Allie Stuckey chimed in, after hearing feedback from her followers:

We'll be eagerly watching our accounts to see who they strike next.

Instagram obviously has no totalitarian tendencies whatsoever.

Read more at: NotTheBee.com and TechGiants.news

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