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Dominion Voting Systems use SolarWinds, the software that was just hacked worldwide
By Ethan Huff // Dec 17, 2020

On Monday, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an emergency memo warning all "federal civilian agencies" to "power down" their systems that use SolarWinds Orion products due to a hack. And one of these systems, we have since learned, is none other than Dominion Voting Systems.


The SolarWinds hack, CISA determined, "poses unacceptable risks to the security of federal networks," which is why the agency issued Emergency Directive 21-01 calling on an immediate shutdown of all connected systems. The news about Dominion, however, adds another layer of conspiracy to the situation.

It would appear as though the floodgates are opening as it pertains to the connections between Dominion, SolarWinds, and of course, communist China, which is ringleading the sham. Also implicated is SolarWinds' main shareholder, Silver Lake Partners, which holds Chinese investments that are worth potentially more than $1 trillion.

The Carlyle-tied Staple Street Capital group formerly owned Dominion before the latter company was sold off to communist China. Everything circles back to the Red Dragon, in other words, which not only tried to steal the 2020 election but also likely created the hack that took down customers of SolarWinds.

"In October 2015, the company disclosed that it was in talks with an unnamed party interested in acquiring and again making SolarWinds private," reports indicate.

"The acquisition by private equity technology investment firms Silver Lake Partners and Thoma Bravo, LLC. was announced in late 2015, and by January 2016, SolarWinds was taken private in a $4.5 billion deal. At the time, the company had 1,770 employees worldwide with 510 based in Austin, and reported revenues of about half a billion dollars a year."

Does FireEye know who was behind the SolarWinds hack?

FireEye, the cybersecurity company that suffered a major cyber-attack due to infected SolarWinds software, indicated in a statement on Dec. 14 that it has identified "multiple organizations where we see indications of compromise dating back to the Spring of 2020."

As you may recall, President Donald Trump recently fired CISA head Chris Krebs after Krebs claimed that the 2020 election was the "most secure in our nation's history." Putting two and two together, it would seem as though FireEye may have the goods on at least some of what transpired before this back in the spring.

Trump, of course, says the 2020 election was definitely fraudulent, and that Krebs' statements are "inaccurate." Trump insists that there were "massive improprieties and fraud – including dead people voting, Poll Watchers not allowed into polling locations, 'glitches' in the voting machines which changed votes from Trump to Biden, late voting," and more.

While firing Krebs was a good start, Trump would do well to also consider removing other sources of cancer such as Gina Haspel and Christopher Wray, both of whom have turned out to be deep state turncoats who appear to be working for communist China and against the American people.

"Selling America to buy China ... there ought to be a law," wrote one frustrated commenter at 100percentfedup.com. "Restore the rightful president!"

"Selling America TO China and enslaving your own children for silver," responded another, correcting the first. "Your children are being programmed to be docile servants where they do not question authority and are afraid to offend anybody at all. All they do is grovel and bow."

This same commenter emphasized that "tolerating" those who do not tolerate us and our culture is a fool's game that will spell the total enslavement of America in the not-too-distant future. Some might argue that America is already enslaved to China, though most are simply unaware of their own chains.

By the way, the latest news about the fraudulent election and its developments can be found at Trump.news.

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