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5 Questions about the coronavirus vaccine that should scare everyone
By News Editors // Dec 08, 2020

The future of the human race, civil society, and very basic freedoms are at stake.


The United Kingdom has announced its approval of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine. The U.S. is expected to approve a vaccine within weeks, as well.

(Article by Claire Chretien republished from LifeSiteNews.com)

The U.K.’s government-produced safety instructions indicate that the vaccine should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, that it is unknown what effect the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine will have on fertility, and "women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose."

In light of the fact that despots around the world have suggested, some using stronger language than others, that their citizenries will be forcibly vaccinated, or that there should or will be penalties for not receiving the vaccine, one wonders:

  1. What happens if a woman receives the vaccine and does become pregnant within two months of receiving it? Will she be pressured to abort her child? What impact would such a vaccine have on the baby?
  2. Will "women of childbearing age" be pressured — or even forced — to go on birth control or forgo pregnancy in order to receive the vaccine, which has been touted as the all-important key to "going back to normal"? In what world would it be considered just or fair to tell women they mustn’t become pregnant so they can receive an optional medical intervention — which has no shortage of side effects and risks — for a disease the vast majority of people survive?
  3. Will new mothers be pressured to forgo breastfeeding so they can be vaccinated?
  4. Will Catholic bishops tell women they ought to forgo pregnancy so they can be vaccinated? The Catholic bishops of California say they are committed "to promoting and encouraging COVID-19 vaccinations in the communities we serve." If they will tell women to forgo childbearing, at least temporarily, so they can receive the shot, how will that be squared with Church teaching that children are the primary end of marriage and contraception is intrinsically evil?
  5. According to the U.K. government’s guidelines, which will presumably be similar to Pfizer vaccine guidances in other countries, pregnant women shouldn’t receive the shot. Will unvaccinated pregnant women be discriminated against because of this, and denied access to airlines and other spaces?

The fact that these questions even need to be asked is chilling (not as chilling as the vaccine itself, which bizarrely has to be stored at -70°C — colder than Antarctia).

The future of the human race, civil society, and very basic freedoms are at stake here. The time to ask these questions is now. It’s not too late — but it will be soon.

Read more at: LifeSiteNews.com and Vaccines.news.

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