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Hypocrites: Fox News complains about Huntergate censorship while doing same to CDC whistleblower
By Ethan Huff // Nov 04, 2020

One of the only mainstream pundits to cover the Huntergate scandal has been Tucker Carlson of Fox News, who during a recent episode of his show stated that the corporate media is engaged in “Soviet-style suppression” of the story. Carlson was curiously quiet, however, when his own network, along with virtually all others, censored the CDC whistleblower story linking MMR vaccines to autism.


Not long after interviewing Tony Bobulinski, a former associate of Hunter Biden turned whistleblower, Carlson came forward to suggest that the rest of the mainstream media is engaged in one of the biggest coverups of our time – and one of critical importance, seeing as how Hunter’s father Joe wants to be the president.

“Bobulinski spoke for a full hour last night on the show,” Carlson stated in a follow-up segment.

“He told us – and this is the crux of what he said – how he met two separate times with Joe Biden himself, not just with his son or his brother, but with Joe Biden, the former vice president, the man now running for president, to discuss business deals with the communist government of China.”

Recognizing the seriousness of Bobulinski’s claims, Carlson emphasized that it is “hard to dismiss” them because Bobulinski “is an unusually credible witness,” not to mention the fact that a Senate committee confirmed their legitimacy.

“He is not a partisan,” Carlson further added about Bobulinski. “He is not seeking money. He is not seeking publicity, just the opposite. He did not want to come on our show.”

Fox is paid to be an information gatekeeper for Big Pharma

The same is true about the CDC whistleblower, it turns out. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose by coming forward to reveal that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lied about and covered up data showing that MMR vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella cause autism.

However, neither Carlson nor anyone at Fox was ever brave enough to cover the story, as they all engaged in their own form of Soviet-style suppression of its revelations.

The reason for this is easily discernible from the commercial breaks on Fox, which are dominated by drug companies advertising pills and jabs for every ailment under the sun. Fox is paid to be an information gatekeeper for Big Pharma, in other words.

In a series of articles about so-called measles outbreaks, Fox actually went after the CDC whistleblower’s claims, suggesting that people who refuse MMR vaccines for their children are killing people.

Fox blames “[a]nti-vaccination propaganda” for allegedly spreading more measles to children, even though there is no concrete evidence to suggest that MMR vaccines even provide lasting immunity to measles.

Not only that, but Fox wants us all to believe that MMR vaccines are perfectly safe, despite evidence to the contrary. And Carlson was nowhere to be found in combatting this narrative, despite tackling all sorts of other untouchable issues.

Chances are that Carlson is prohibited from defying the claims of Fox “medical correspondent” Dr. Marc Siegel, who infamously announced during a segment that doctors who issue medical exemptions to vaccines should be arrested and thrown in prison.

It almost goes without saying that this is the reason why Fox is aggressively anti-cannabis, as well as generally anti-natural medicine – because nature is a direct competitor to the industries that keep Fox on the air.

As for Huntergate, it is unfortunate that Carlson was one of the only mainstream pundits to mention it. But until Carlson and the rest of Fox start exposing the corruption of Big Pharma, they will remain hypocrites who only tell part of the truth when it is politically expedient to do so.

More related news about the Fox News deception can be found at Propaganda.news.

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