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Video: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer displays symbols that can be interpreted as ‘kill Trump’ during her Sunday interview
By News Editors // Oct 26, 2020

Both Whitmer and the White House are accusing the other of inciting violence.


(Article by Sarah Hall republished from RedStateNation.com)

The back-and-forth between President Donald Trump and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer heightened this weekend, as both Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden made swings through the state.

While Biden told a crowd in Southfield there is no better governor in the country than Whitmer, Trump spoke in front of a crowd chanting “lock her up” as he said the governor needs to open the state, and the schools. Notably, districts are open or closed at their own discretion based on local school administrator decisions.

“Lock ’em all up,” Trump said, responding to the chant.

Later Whitmer appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday morning and claimed the president has responsibility in the domestic terrorism plot against her while having a visible pin that read “8645.”

Video below:

“Whitmer is encouraging assassination attempts against President Trump just weeks after someone sent a ricin-laced package to the White House,” said a tweet from a verified Trump campaign account, adding, “86 can be shorthand for killing someone.”


Supporters of the president took 86-45 as an incitement of violence against the 45th president. The use of 86 is typically used in food service as a means to communicate an item or ingredient is out of stock, or to refuse service to a customer who has become unruly or had too much to drink.

Speaker of the Michigan House Lee Chatfield said the “8645” pin encouraged more hate. He posted on Twitter that the chants of “Lock her up” Saturday night were wrong and said both sides should “debate differences,” be civil and treat each other with respect.

Read more at: RedStateNation.com

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