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Joe Biden linked to “hundreds of millions of dollars” in money laundering schemes
By Ethan Huff // Oct 22, 2020

The final presidential debate is scheduled for Oct. 22 in Nashville, and one of the topics likely to be brought up by President Trump is the "hundreds of millions of dollars" in money laundering schemes that Joe Biden and his family have been involved in over the years.


Speaking to Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows explained to viewers that the Biden Crime Family, as many are now calling it, is mired in corruption – and what has been publicly released thus far is only the tip of the iceberg.

"If I were Joe Biden, I'd worry about tomorrow night because the kinds of questions he'll get to answer, even if the moderator does not ask them, certainly he'll get asked those types of questions and he'll have a chance to respond," Meadows told Bartiromo during an Oct. 21 segment, suggesting that Trump will almost certainly bring up the issue.

"But I think the other thing that is key here, Maria, is that when we start to look at the connections, when we put all the connections together, it's amazing how everyone's been silent on this issue when ultimately there's a lot of information there."

Though the mainstream media has largely ignored it, and social media has banned it, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is just getting started, and it definitely is not doing the elder Biden any favors in his desperate bid for the presidency.

Meadows has made several media appearances in recent days, addressing not only the scandal itself but the media's poor handling of it. In essence, the fix is in to destroy Trump, while Biden is thus far getting a free pass from both the mainstream media and Silicon Valley.

"They have two standards," Meadows told "Fox & Friends" about Big Tech's handling of the Biden scandal. "One for one campaign, one for the other."

Joe Biden is already disqualified and should quit the race

According to Meadows, Senators Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have both requested whistleblower complaints that allege hundreds of millions of dollars in money laundering schemes directly associated with the Bidens.

"It's a house of cards and it's ready to fall down around them," Meadows contends.

Should anything come of this, the next step would be to issue indictments followed by arrests, though we will not hold our breath considering the same was said of Hillary Clinton prior to the 2016 election, only to have Trump drop the whole thing immediately after the election.

At this point, Joe Biden is basically disqualified from the race, at least in principal. If he was a decent and honorable man, he would voluntarily quit and issue a public apology to the American people for lying to us all while committing treason against our nation.

It would already seem as though not much will come of this other than politics as usual before an election. Meadows himself stated as much to conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, arguing that while the case "has merit," it may not move forward, at least before Election Day.

"It's not necessarily at the top of our priority list in this last 13 days, but as we're looking at that, we think an independent special counsel might be the best medicine for this, not that anything would come out before Nov. 3, nor should that be an expectation that any of your listeners would hear," Meadows stated.

As you may recall, an independent special counsel was also talked about for Hillary Clinton, though four years have since passed with no further developments on that front, at least none that we are aware of.

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