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CNN says watching Trump remove his mask on TV will kill you
By Ethan Huff // Oct 07, 2020

Be careful, America. President Trump did a very dangerous thing by publicly removing his face mask on the White House balcony upon his arrival home from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. And CNN has unironically declared that you will die if you watch any footage of the incident on television.


Calling it a "Sunset Boulevard" stunt, CNN "New Day" co-host John Berman panicked during a segment of his program that Trump removing his mask in front of the media and his supporters after testing positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) is going to cause many deaths in the coming days.

"This morning, the fact is, denial won't help you," Berman melodramatically warned.

"Makeup won't help you. And based on what we've just heard and seen, the president won't help you. Now, masks will help you. But the president made a grand, theatrical gesture of whipping his off in a Sunset Boulevard return to the White House."

"New Day" producers had already twice aired footage of Trump removing his mask during the segment, but the third time triggered Berman to frantically yell:

"Take it off! Please, don't even put it on the screen! Please take it off! Because that's going to kill people!"

In other words, Americans who watch the footage are going to die, in Berman's view, because they will mimic what they see the president doing by taking off their own masks, resulting in immediate infection and death.

CNN "doctor" says 130,000 more Americans will die now because Trump removed his mask

Berman also featured Dr. Peter Hotez, a CNN contributor and physician who added that instead of 270,000 Americans dying from the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) by the end of the year, there will now be 400,000 deaths thanks to Trump's removal of his mask.

Trump "has sent a message to the American people, 'let's go for the 400,000 number,'" Hotez scoffed.

"He put out the message: let's let this thing rip. Don't let it interfere with your daily activities. Don't be fearful: let's have 400,000 Americans dead.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has once again "gaffed" that 210 million Americans have already died from the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19), a number he quickly changed to 210,000 in order to make it seem more accurate and believable.

According to CNN, these and other bizarre statements by Biden have somehow "checkmated Trump" while ensuring a Biden win in November.

Insisting that the government's hysterically overblown response to the plandemic serves as proof that the virus itself is far worse than Trump is letting on, CNN says Americans "have the good sense to be afraid," and should not follow Trump's advice to live their lives without fear.

"Trump's wildly irresponsible advice – 'don't let it dominate your life' – plays right into Biden's strategy of offering the nation a calm, sensible and presidential alternative by simply acknowledging reality," contends CNN writer Errol Louis.

"Biden's coronavirus plan – which includes requiring social distancing and mask-wearing on all federal property, making testing universally available and following the advice of scientists – is simply common sense," the Biden shill adds.

Just like in 2016, Trump is once again trolling the media while making a powerful point about the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19): That it is not even close to being the "pandemic" that fear advocates like CNN continue to claim it is.

We are only surprised that CNN has yet to join the chorus of covid deniers which insist that President Trump never even had the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19), simply because in their minds there is no way he could have recovered this quickly.

More of the latest insanity coming from CNN and other mainstream news outlets living in constant fear over the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) can be found at Pandemic.news.

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