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Today’s DIRTY VACCINES and the coinciding spike in blood disorders, allergies and autism
By S.D. Wells // Apr 02, 2021

Vaccines are a far cry from the "miracle of modern science" they are touted to be, and now the CDC finds that half of all physicians REFUSE to take routine vaccines themselves due to efficacy and safety concerns. So while the corrupt American medical regime preaches about the necessity of compliance and herd immunity, they themselves "opt out" of all those filthy, dirty, unsafe vaccinations they push on everyone else.


The theory behind vaccines is real, but the ingredients used to force hyper-immune-system reactions are so insane that the biological terrors that are today's vaccines are the new Black Plague, and that's why vaccines are now being used for population control, medical racketeering (that dates back a century with the AMA), and organized crime at the highest, most insidious level of government. The regulatory agencies are in bed with the government pharma goons at the FDA and CDC. That's exactly why we've seen a grotesque spike in diseases and disorders for the vaccinated sheeple in America. It's no conspiracy theory that vaccines are dirty, especially the flu shot and the Covid-19 vaccine series.

Today we see more children with autism, severe allergies and blood disorders than we've ever witnessed in the history of America. The cause is obvious, but if you point it out, you face consequences to your reputation, job and livelihood, and that's just the beginning. Let's take an inside look at why we're seeing autism and vaccine allergy rates skyrocketing. It's all about the money.

Global vaccine market revenue for 2020 was $60 billion, yet HALF of all doctors quietly refuse vaccines for themselves and their children

The cover-up is deafening. Doctors around the globe are well-aware of the corruption of the lucrative vaccine industry, but they love it. Why? Lack of ethics and huge paychecks. Can you say 'expensive diagnostic testing' without coughing into your Covid mask? Big Pharma, in fact, has its biggest vaccine lobby right here in the United States, where no institution is allowed to ever criticize or publish anything negative about them. They even have their own secret court so you can't sue them, only settle in quiet desperation.

Just take a look back in time. Before vaccines, there were no severe allergies to eggs, dairy or peanuts, because nobody was having these injected into their muscle tissue with virus fragments. Now the human body is one big infected pin cushion that's been trained to recognize certain foods as a threat to life itself, and the reaction can be deadly, as we've seen too often. Think about it. Why else would a child's immune system completely shut down just because somebody opens a bag of peanuts in the room?

Plus, vaccines are made for adult males, so a single vaccine given to an infant is similar to giving an adult two dozen jabs in one day. The conjured-up, unnatural immune reaction is so exaggerated for babies that their brain and central nervous system become damaged for life. Take for instance the Covid vaccine, which is causing rare blood disorders, including thrombocytopenia (blood clotting).

In many cases, right after getting the Covid 'inoculation,' the child's immune system attacks blood platelets that are responsible for clotting, so children are bleeding uncontrollably from mRNA injections, and the CDC has already recorded 3 dozen cases of this. Imagine how many cases are not reported, or buried, or completely banned and censored from mass media, or paid off the keep quiet by the secretive vaccine court and their own hired-for-private-settlement hack judges.

Of course, Moderna, Pfizer, and BioNTech did not report any of this during their clinical trials because that would interrupt those dirty vaccine profits. Other vaccines trigger blood disorders as well, not just the Covid jabs. Humans can have a deadly stroke from blood clots from vaccines, but again, nobody is allowed to talk about it, publish it, or sue the vaccine manufacturers because of it. No surgery in the world can save you from a blot-clot stroke once it occurs.

Dirty Vaccines contain: Human cells, African green monkey cells, mercury, aluminum salts, embalming fluid, and deadly China pig viruses 

As the truth comes out about dirty US vaccines, at least 50 percent of all Americans question them now, including doctors and nurses (who can't say anything about it but still refuse to get them). The biggest threat to the vaccine industry is vaccine hesitancy due to mistrust, and rightly so. The biggest threat to human health is not infectious diseases, but rather the vaccinations given that are dirty and do not create the "safe and effective" immunity the $60 billion-dollar-a-year industry so faithfully claims.

Just take one good look at the ingredients listed on every vaccine insert, and your common sense alone tells you to run the other direction. Human babies that are aborted are sold on the black market to Biotech firms that use them to develop vaccines. It's not just that same old tired story about some abortion from the 1970s. It's happening right now. The tissues from another human, once injected into the body, are toxic. Period. This represents the insidious nature of the vaccine industry itself, but it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Embalming fluid for the dead, better known as formaldehyde, oxidizes inside the human body and becomes formic acid. Formaldehyde is used in more than half of all US vaccines, embalming babies just enough to cause acidosis, liver, kidney and nerve damage. Talk about needing routine visits to the pediatrician. Remember, every doctor in America is trained to say, "there's not enough formaldehyde in vaccines to worry about," yet half of those doctors would never get a vaccine, much less give them to their own children. Why? Formaldehyde ranks near the top of the most hazardous compounds on "ecosystems and human health," says the Environmental Defense Fund.

Embalming humans through vaccination causes anemia, blindness, body aches, bronchitis, blurred vision and bronchial spasms, not to mention heart palpitations, arrhythmias, convulsions and the destruction of red blood cells. This is why 1/2 the doctors in the United States NEVER get vaccinated, at all.

Watch out for mercury in flu shots listed as thimerosal. No amount of this deadly heavy metal toxin is safe for humans to ingest, ever. Keep your eyes open for aluminum in vaccines, as aluminum helps the mercury cross the blood-brain barrier, leading to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) of all kinds. We don't have enough time to get into the concerns about infected African green monkey kidney cells and deadly Chinese circo-virus (strains I and II) only found in pigs in China and Russia, now showing up in US childhood vaccines, like the rotavirus vaccination. There is zero justifiable reason for putting this pig disease in a vaccine, besides to make children sick for profit.

Learn all the vaccine secrets so you can protect yourself and your loved ones. Tune your internet dial to Vaccines.news for updates on doctors who swear by vaccine safety and efficacy yet NEVER get vaccinated themselves. Now you know why.

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