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Top 10 most unbelievable crime stories of 2019
By Lance D Johanson // Dec 14, 2019

Criminal activity goes on quietly in the places we trust the most and embeds itself into the survival framework of the most prominent institutions. In 2019, some of the most unbelievable crime stories were related to pharmaceutical companies, the banking industry, and technology companies. Here are 10 of the most unbelievable crime stores of 2019 reported by NaturalNews.


Scientists confirm widespread IQ decline in the U.S., caused by several chemical factors

Widespread IQ decline is now being documented by scientists. This issue is highly controversial because it implicates many criminal elements that contribute to the dumbing down of Americans. Harvard Researchers point to water fluoridation as a major contributor to lowered IQs, yet many municipalities still drip this toxic waste into water supplies in order to “prevent cavities.”

The amount of thimerosol in flu vaccines is another factor contributing to cognitive impairment, for this mercury compound damages the myelin sheath of nerves, causing damage to human brains. As documented by Professor Chris Exley, aluminum salts, used as adjuvants in vaccines, attach to the cytoplasm of immune-responsive cells and concentrate in the brain, causing unpredictable short and long term damage in people. Because vaccine makers are immune from litigation, their criminal enterprise goes on, unchecked. Also contributing to cognitive decline is a long list of anticholinergic medications (antidepressants, sleep aids, anti-histamines, cold meds, etc.) These drugs block an important neurotransmitter called acetylcholine and contribute to forgetfulness and dementia. Statin drugs also cause severe cognitive decline.

Puberty-blocking drugs given to transgender kids have killed at least 6,370 of them

Pharmaceutical companies continue to pioneer crimes against humanity. New data released by the FDA reveals that more than 40,000 people have suffered adverse reactions from Lupron (leuprolide acetate), a hormone-blocking pharmaceutical that is prescribed for children who’ve been manipulated and/or encouraged to change their biological gender with surgeries and synthetic hormones. Since 2014, there have been at least 6,370 deaths from children who took the drug, a massive crime that gets swept under the rug.

More children are dying from gender-bending pharmaceuticals and vaccines than from guns, but leftists couldn’t care less

The Left has become very inconsistent on their positions in 2019. While many on the Left want to ban guns, there is no outcry when members of the LGBTQ community are killed from gender-bending pharmaceuticals or when young children are crippled or killed by faulty vaccines. The Left is not going after drug giant AbbVie Lupron, the company that created the hormone-blocking drug Lupron (Leuprolide acetate). Since 2014, this drug is responsible for 6,370 patient deaths, while unintentional gun deaths totaled 486 last year. The same inconsistency can be applied to young girls who have died after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. This vaccine is responsible for ending the lives of 271 young women. If this amount of people were shot down by an AR-15, the Left would want to take the guns away, but Merck continues to get away with murder.

Door-to-door gun confiscations went down in New Zealand but were rejected in the U.S.

After the New Zealand mosque attacks, the country’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern fearfully turned to gun confiscation. Government thugs were promptly sent door-to-door to confiscate an entire class of firearms from law abiding citizens. One innocent gun owner was shot dead by government thugs as they attempted to seize his firearms. Many democrat candidates in the U.S. tried to campaign on confiscating firearms too, but their campaigns quickly fell apart because a majority of Americans still understand history.

Republicans now support “red flag laws” that presume guilt before any crime occurs, nullifying second Amendment rights

An insult to the Constitution, “red flag laws” became popular among both Democrats and Republican politicians in the past year. Red flag laws allow a friend, family member, neighbor, coworker or other acquaintance to report you for being “dangerous.” The police are called in to bust down your door and seize your legally-owned firearms. True due process is lost as presumption of guilt takes precedence over the presumption of innocence.

Federal judge says police have NO obligation to protect citizens, proving why you MUST carry a gun for your own protection

While many look to police officers for protection when times get tough, no one is actually entitled to their protection. In 2019, a federal judge declared that police have no obligation to protect citizens. The individual is responsible for protecting their person and their family, which is why combat skills and firearm training is so important.

Socialist Venezuela collapses as citizens begin looting corpses for anything that can be traded for food

As the Democratic Party began adopting socialist policies in 2019, a country that adopted socialism not too long ago began collapsing into complete chaos and debauchery. Desperation now plagues the streets of Venezuela, with citizens looting human corpses for food... one step away from cannibalism.

Adult stem cell therapy is now targeted by the FDA because it works so well

An adult stem cell specialist from South Florida named Dr. Kristin Comella, Ph.D., has been successfully treating patients with adult stem cells for the past 15 years. She is repeatedly attacked by the media and FDA, even though 93 percent of patients see success from adult stem cell therapy after just one treatment. It seems that the FDA is on a mission to eliminate all access to adult stem cell therapy, a medical protocol that involves utilizing a patient’s own endogenous stem cells for regenerative healing. Because the pharmaceutical companies can’t make money from the therapy and are losing business because of it, they will do whatever it takes – including pressuring their colleagues at the FDA to stop the therapy in its tracks.

Google-owned YouTube now promoting pedophilia with its new “fairness” algorithms

In order to control the political narrative and brainwash people, Google uses algorithms that demote conservative videos as “hate speech.” Not only has Google been caught manipulating people and interfering in elections, but they have also used algorithms to steer their pedophile contingent toward videos of young children. The New York Times broke the story this year, exposing YouTube’s automated video recommendation system as a tool to send children’s videos to pedophile accounts.

Cargo ship busted with over a billion dollars worth of cocaine was owned by JP Morgan Chase

One of the largest banks in the United States was quickly defended by the mainstream media when one of their cargo ships was found carrying over $1 billion worth of cocaine. More than 20 tons of cocaine was seized at a port in Philadelphia from the MSC Gayane, a ship owned by JP Morgan Chase. Instead of trying to investigate how this came to be, the mainstream media was quick to put the blame on the Swiss-based Mediterranean Shipping Company that runs the ship. After all, it’s very important that the public continues to put faith in a banking system that enslaves so many to debt and inflation, even if that means turning a blind eye to the fact the JP Morgan Chase owns a ship that was caught transporting billions worth of cocaine on the high seas.

To keep in touch with breaking crime stories in 2020, bookmark NewTarget.com and check out Evil.News.

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