WEAK activists who don't want to risk anything call out cereal companies.
COURAGEOUS activists who really want to save children call out vaccine companies.
HEROIC activists who want to save the future of humanity call out Israel.

In this time of incredible human history unfolding in real time, DON'T BE A COWARD. God hates cowards. In fact, he blacklists them from Heaven. As stated in Revelation Ch 21:7 - "He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

If you claim to be a lab scientist and are breaking big news about your lab results, you should be an expert on your instruments. If you are a Christian pastor claiming to teach morality, you should be well-versed on the Bible and probably not endorsing genocide. If you are breaking news about what you see under a microscope, you should have considerable experience in microscopy so you understand what you are seeing and don't mistake tiny air bubbles for alien cyborgs. I'm nauseated by noobs announcing click bait things about which they have no knowledge, and I'm going to continue to call them out. If I'm not sure about a particular subject, or I'm not well versed in it, I'll say so. I won't be correcting Elon Musk on rocketry, for example. But for those subjects in which I have extensive research and knowledge, when I see people peddling bulls#, I'm no longer going to stay silent. Have seen too much bulls# since COVID, and I'm done giving people a pass. I'm also warming up my lab microscope to show you some incredibly insane things that you won't believe at first, and then I will explain what you are seeing and you will be amazed.

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