As a prepper, you need to keep backups for your backup plans, like a food and water cache. The same goes for your emergency funds, which could be crucial when SHTF. (h/t to
Tips for hiding money before SHTF
Keep in mind that you need to take every precaution you can to secure your hard-earned money. Here are some tips to help you hide some cash inside your home.
- Store your emergency funds in a sturdy and well-sealed bag to protect it against humidity and bugs. Hide the bag in a metal container to keep the contents safe from other pests like rats.
- Hide it in a hard-to-reach area that no one else knows about. Choose a place that strangers won’t think of searching in, like a false wall.
- Remember where you hid the money. There’s no point in hiding money so well that you forget where you put it in the first place. Tell your partner or your children where your secret stash is. Just make sure your kids understand that the location should be a secret from other people.
- Keep the money in a place that is accessible to you but is also very well-hidden to a complete stranger. It may be tempting to hide valuables inside an interior hollow wall, but you may have trouble getting to the money when you’re in a hurry. Try keeping money in a hollow door with a piece of wood that is removed on the hinge side when opened.
- Keep at least two secret stashes. Get a big weapons safe so you can secure your firearms. Thieves will often target guns, but you can deter them with a safe. If burglars see that you have a safe that might take a while to unlock, they might change their mind about spending more time in your house. Make sure the safe can secure a handgun or a good rifle. If you can spend several thousands on your firearms, you should at least secure them in an EMP- and fire-proof safe. Spread out your supplies so you won’t lose everything if someone manages to break into your safe.
- Invest in a home alarm system and security camera. Some security cameras can be controlled with a smartphone app, so compare models and brands to get something that suits your specific needs.
- Hide a decoy safe and keep costume jewelry, fake precious metals, some money, and an old gun in it. This decoy safe still serves another purpose because it always pays to be extra careful, especially if you live in a particularly dangerous neighborhood.
Where to hide your money
Here are more suggestions on clever hiding spaces for your emergency funds.
- A book safe – Take a hollowed-out book safe and keep some money in it. Just make sure you don’t forget where your book safe is if you hide it among other books. You can also make your own book safe using an old hardcover book.
- The gaps on top of your cabinets – These empty spaces will probably be overlooked, and you can use them to hide envelopes of cash and other small, flat items. Alternatively, you can hide money in “dead” spaces low to the ground like beneath appliances, inside kitchen and bathroom cabinets, under the sink, or under staircases.
- In your backyard or garden – Hide your stash in a birdhouse or in a dog kennel.
- Pill bottles – Get a large and empty pill bottle, then hide it at the back of your medicine cabinet. Other options include rinsed and empty dark-colored or opaque shampoo bottles.
- Your freezer – Wrap your valuables in aluminum foil, store them in a plastic bag marked “Hamburgers,” then keep it in the freezer.

Follow these tips before you try and hide emergency funds in your house so you have access to money even when SHTF.
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