The GMO trolls at the New York Times are at it again, sowing “seeds of confusion” for the typical American consumer, who doesn’t even know what genetic engineering really means, much less gene editing “technology.” A recent European ruling has all the biotech shills throwing their usual temper tantrums, simply because gene editing has been tossed under the danger umbrella with the genetic modification (a.k.a. recombinant DNA mutation) of crops and produce, and rightly so.
GMO huckster Carl Zimmer wants all ignorant American consumers to keep sucking down those chemical pesticides, because he’s paid to convince everyone that anything unnatural and created in a laboratory is absolutely safe and amazing for the environment, plus human and animal health.
The difference between genetically modified crops and gene-edited crops is simple to understand, and they both pose major risks and unknown consequences to us all, but the Chem-Ag (chemical agriculture) industrial complex wants to keep it complicated, cloudy, and ultra-scientific sounding so everyone just takes their scripted word (lies purported by the industry) as the holy grail, pardon the pun.
When you’re shopping for greens at the market, you actually want to buy the leaves that have tiny holes in them from insects chomping a little. That means they’re edible. Get it? If your produce looks super shiny, has no flaws whatsoever, and never molds, never turns brown, and no insects will touch it no matter how long you leave it out, don’t eat it. Seems like common sense, but the biotech trolls tell a much different story.
“We’ve been genetically engineering crops for thousands of years” – they decry. Lie.
“Genetic engineering of crops is the same thing as traditional crossbreeding.” Wrong.
“Removing gene sequences from a plant’s DNA is not genetic modification.” Lie.
“Inserting the genes from bacteria and animals into food is safe for humans to eat.” Wrong.
Biotechnology companies bragged for years about killing corn rootworms by inserting toxic bacterial genes into the corn plant that dissolve the worm’s digestive tract. The Bt genes (Bacillus thuringiensis) make the GM corn plant poisonous to insects and animals, including humans. Not only did the biotech lie about “more yield for farmers” fall apart at the seams, but evolution has gotten the best of the whole technology, because the rootworm beetles are now becoming immune to the pesticide-ridden corn. So now, Bt corn technology is not only useless, but a threat to the environment, insects, farm animals and humans. Oh, but the “science is settled,” right?
Call it whatever you want – RNA interference, crop editing, genetic engineering, chemical agriculture, biotechnology, crop science, transgenics, Crispr, Bt, Roundup Ready – it all has to do with the mutation of our natural world and can yield unintended, horrific consequences. Many scientists believe dangerous and experimental Crispr technology is setting the stage for more cancer cases to explode across the country.
Anyone concerned about consuming food that contains foreign proteins, genetically modified organisms, toxic bacteria, and even viral components is wise to be asking questions and filtering these laboratory experiments from their regular consumption.
After all, cancer is the mutation of cells that multiply uncontrollably and attack the good cells, and that sounds much like genetically modified crops spreading into organic crop fields.
A new dangerous gene-editing technology called Crispr-cas9 has been outright rejected by the European Union’s top court and classified as genetically modification. Of course, since the biotech companies in America run the regulatory agencies, like the FDA, EPA and USDA, gene-editing and GMOs are woven into the conventional crop industry as completely normal, safe, and efficient ways to feed the animals (including humans).
For decades, the U.S. regulatory agencies have had an open “revolving door” for CEOs and biotech lobbyists to take positions writing rules and laws that benefit their corporations, make them a fortune, and allow GMO toxins to flourish in our staple crops.
Consider this: Would you want your genes edited so you don’t get cold in the winter anymore? What would happen in the extreme summer heat then? Would you die from just walking outside? The biotech goons are working on inserting genes of fish into tomatoes so they’ll survive the frost. What could possibly go wrong when people eat these genetically mutated tomatoes?
Truthwiki sums it all up best right here: “A fictional “World Scientific Consensus” about GMO has been perpetuated over recent years in mainstream media outlets and is proclaimed as “science” and “science-based” and “evidence-based” by the very manufactures, distributors and sellers of genetically modified organisms in agriculture in the United States of America. There is no world scientific consensus on GMOs. It is a complete fabrication, since scientific safety research – and that which is not done by the industries in question, is not readily made available to the public. Most Americans are “in the dark” concerning the real scientific community discussion regarding this thirty-year-old experiment called “transgenics.” The current “think tanks” between rogue industry scientists, hack journalists and pro-GMO “reporters” are nothing more than propaganda mixed with delusions of grandeur.
Tune into for more information and updates on the biotech shills trying to push cancer-and-dementia-causing foods on Americans. Learn how to avoid GMOs in the very educational video below featuring Dr. Edward Group, a GMO expert.
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