Ex-Clinton aide goes on power-hungry tirade against cop: “You may shut the f- up!”
04/25/2018 / By News Editors / Comments
Ex-Clinton aide goes on power-hungry tirade against cop: “You may shut the f- up!”

Police released a video Tuesday showing a former financial adviser to Hillary Clinton getting involved in a heated, profanity-laced confrontation with several officers.  60-year-old Caren Z. Turner’s outburst was recorded as she threw what amount to a toddler-like temper tantrum.

(Article by Mac Slavo republished from SHTFPlan.com)

“You may shut the f— up!”  Turner screams at an officer at one point.

Turner, who is a Democrat, had previously served on finance committees for Hillary Clinton, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine.

Most recently, Turner has been a commissioner with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and was chairwoman of its ethics committee, Politico reported. She was forced to resign last week because of the interaction with police during Easter weekend.

“The Port Authority has zero tolerance for ethics violations,” PA spokesman Ben Branham told the website. According to a police report from March 31, 2018, Turner’s daughter had been pulled over on Route 9W by Tenafly, N.J., police, but allegedly could not provide proof of insurance or registration. So Turner was called to the scene to help resolve the matter, NJ.com reported.

Police video then shows Turner demanding to know what was going on, and brandishing her credentials as a Port Authority commissioner.   “I need to know,” Turner repeatedly tells the officers, demanding information about the traffic stop, according to Fox News. 

The police officers then inform Turner that they are not under any legal obligations to reveal any information to her because her daughter and the passengers in the car are all over the age of 18. Turner appears to grow increasingly frustrated, and demands that the officers refer to her as “Commissioner” rather than “Miss.”

In the police report about this incident, an officer writes that he advised Turner “to speak with the driver of the vehicle for more information,” based on the way she was “attempting to misappropriately use her professional position to gain authority in this situation.” When an officer attempts to end the conversation, Turner says: “You may not tell me when to take my child. You may shut the f— up!”

Allegations of a code of ethics violation prompted the Port Authority’s inspector to investigate. Turner resigned after learning of the investigation, the Port Authority said in a statement Monday. A spokesman for the Port Authority called Turner’s actions “indefensible,” and Turner has refused to comment about her resignation.

Read more at: SHTFPlan.com

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