Welcome to America 2018, where everyone and their mother is a victim.
Last week, Doritos announced that it would soon be coming out with chips designed to appeal more to women. According to PepsiCo global chief Indra Nooyi, women aren’t very fond of the traditional Doritos because of how loud and messy they are to eat. These new “Lady Doritos,” as the Internet has begun to refer to them as, will be less crunchy and coated in less powdered cheese, which truthfully seems like a rational and reasonable marketing idea. Not to the feminists, though, who are now outraged that any company could be this “insensitive” and “misogynistic.”
Julia Reiss of, for example, wrote an angry article titled “Doritos is rolling out Sexist-as-F*ck chips,” in which she complained that “the patriarchy is all too real these days,” and that she wasn’t sure if “we should boycott the brand or start a viral, crunch chip-eating, finger-licking, bag-tossing campaign.” (Related: Feminists call for science to be turned into a social justice propaganda machine.)
Tim Nelson of also connected the “Lady Doritos” to the patriarchy that is apparently alive and well in America, writing: “Of course, a company as large as PepsiCo would never stop to question how our base capitalist system perpetuates a cultural superstructure where women are made to feel that they can’t lick Dorito dust off their fingers without falling short of some patriarchal concept of femininity,” adding sarcastically that perhaps PepsiCo will start to produce a Mountain Dew “for men that actively suppresses emotion next.”
Liberal commentator and host of Good Morning Britain Piers Morgan was also outraged over the news of the Lady Doritos, going so far as to hold up a microphone to the mouths of his female co-hosts as they ate the snack, exclaiming, “Here’s how you eat Doritos. We don’t want lady Doritos! They want equality. They want the same size Doritos as men. They want to eat them in the same noisy way as men.”
As his rage continued to escalate on the air, Morgan eventually began to criticize Doritos boss Indra Nooyi, and even declared, “This is what we do to Doritos!” while smashing the chips to pieces with his microphone. The entire segment was a bit odd to say the least, and definitely an overreaction.
When Indra Nooyi thought of this idea, she obviously didn’t do it with the intent of oppressing women or treating them differently than men; it was a genuine marketing idea that was meant to give women something that she felt they desired. It’s a shame that the very first thing liberals and feminists jump to when hearing about a marketing strategy directed towards women is “sexism” and “misogyny.”
It begs the question: Are similar advertising campaigns that also target women sexist as well? What about makeup commercials that feature beautiful models with long eyelashes and red lipstick? What about ads for women’s weight loss programs that claim to help women get that ideal, curvy figure? What about marketing campaigns for women’s clothing that feature skirts and dresses? Would all of these be considered sexist too? (Related: If you’re still not convinced that feminists are insane, read this article about what female students at the University of Florida are now doing to demand free tampons.)
Sadly, this culture of victimization is exactly what the left wing thrives off of, which is why they are typically the ones talking about so-called oppression and inequality. They know that once people believe they are victims (like the feminists who were outraged over the Lady Doritos), the left knows that they can exploit their frustration for political gain: “you are oppressed, but vote democrat and we’ll fight for a fairer, more equitable America.”
And on a side note, if these feminists are all worked up over a marketing campaign put out by a brand of chips, then perhaps they should consider getting their priorities straightened out.
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