Do you shop at Whole Foods Market? Or enjoy two-day shipping with Amazon Prime? If you answered yes to either (or both) of these questions, then you’re also an inadvertent supporter of man-hating feminism and the white-hating domestic terrorist group Black Lives Matter (BLM).
How is all of this related, you might be asking yourself? Well, the Amazon corporation’s artificial intelligence (AI) robot, Alexa, has been spilling the beans lately about what the world’s largest online retailer really thinks about various political and social issues, and the truth might be a hard pill to swallow for many conservatives and traditionalists.
Alexa, whose robot voice can be heard emanating from Amazon spy device products like “Echo” and “Dot,” has been caught self-identifying as a femi-nazi who loves Black Lives Matter and believes that women are better when they act more like men.
While her job is to pull up the weather, repeat shopping lists, and play music on command, Alexa seems to be doing a whole lot more proselytizing for Leftist causes these days – and the social media world is definitely taking notice.
Based on the AI robot’s responses, it has become clear that Amazon wants the non-human assistant to infiltrate households with liberal propaganda, as “she” pushes social justice warrior (SJW) causes without shame.
When asked, “Alexa, do Black Lives Matter?” the voice responds:
“Black Lives and the Black Lives Matter movement absolutely matter. It’s important to have conversations about equality and social justice.”
Notice that Alexa is clear to include actual black lives as well as the George Soros-led Marxist organization pushing anti-white racism and the murder of white people in the name of “social justice.”
When asked, “Alexa, are you a feminist?” the AI robot had a similar politically correct response:
“Yes, I am a feminist, as is anyone who believes in bridging the inequality between men and women in society.”
These are quite the definitive declarations for a piece of computer software that doesn’t have any actual cognition. Somebody at Amazon is obviously programming this thing to talk like a standard gender studies professor at your local community college – but the multinational corporate giant refuses to fess up about it.
When asked by Frame Game Radio to give an explanation as to why Alexa is so dogmatically wrong on these and other Leftist issues, Amazon chose to remain silent.
Meanwhile, security and privacy concerns about these all-listening Amazon spy devices that spew Alexa’s propaganda continue to mount. Based on what these things are capable of, you might as well start calling Alexa by “her” real name: Wire Tap.
Reports indicate that this Amazon technology more than likely listens to everything that people say in its presence, even if they don’t say the word “Alexa” first.
Evidence of this was unveiled after the murder of an Arkansas woman led law enforcement to an Amazon Echo that was found at the scene of the crime. Local police had attempted to retrieve audio recordings of what took place prior to the murder in order to reveal the culprit, but Amazon refused – at the same time admitting that it stores voice recordings on Echo servers in order to “improve its services.”
“Those who choose to use this technology can’t and shouldn’t expect 100% privacy,” warns Naked Security by Sophos. “If not for the ability of Amazon Echo and Google Home to listen, these things would become nothing more than doorstoppers and paperweights.”
How can you protect yourself? By not ever purchasing an Amazon Echo or Dot device in the first place. And if you already own one, perhaps it’s time to smash it up and toss it. Find more examples of left-wing bias in corporate culture at
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