The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been a champion of American businesses for decades, but something happened to the organization’s leadership in recent years: While the organization is still a champion of business, it isn’t a champion of American workers.
For some time now the chamber’s leaders and members have been much more supportive of foreign labor — that is, people who are in the country illegally, generally because they cost businesses less in terms of payroll.
And, as Breitbart News reports, that isn’t going to change anytime soon. The chamber has recently posted a couple of billboards in full view of the White House declaring that America was actually built by foreign “Dreamers,” not by native-born Americans who, apparently, don’t deserve any of the credit at all.
“It is absolutely an insult to Americans, but the Chamber knows that, which is why this isn’t a broad-based campaign” conducted outside of Washington D.C. proper, said Mark Krikorian, director at the Center for Immigration Studies.
“The implicit message is that immigrants are better than Americans, that Americans are the supporting players, and the immigrants are the stars,” he continued. “It really is kind of the idea that immigrants are somehow magical people, not normal humans with all the strengths and weaknesses and foibles of regular people, that they are somehow magical.”
Interestingly, he notes further, those who are pushing the organization’s viewpoint when it comes to immigrant-versus-native-born workers are themselves native-born.
“Don’t American kids have dreams? [Silicon Valley creators] David Packard and Bill Hewlett were not immigrants. Bill Gates wasn’t an immigrant. Tom Watson [founder] of IBM wasn’t an immigrant. Obviously, immigration is an important part of America’s story, but it is just one part,” Krikorian said, as quoted by Breitbart News.
He added another truth bomb: He said America isn’t really a “nation of immigrants” so much as, in this day and age, it’s “a nation which includes immigrants.” That’s a great point considering most Americans today were born here and did not come from some other country. (Related: The corporate-controlled media has been weaponized against America… “disinfo dictatorship” seeks to replace all FACTS with FICTIONS.)
As Breitbart notes further, the Chamber’s billboards containing the term “dreamers” a reference to migrants, was put up as business leaders came to the nation’s capital November 15 to demand that Congress pass a no-strings-attached amnesty bill for at least three million immigrants and another one million relatives, regardless of the financial and civic cost to American families and voters.
“America. Built by Dreamers” banners outside @USChamber.
Congress needs to act soon. #DreamActNow
— Sean Hackbarth (@seanhackbarth) November 15, 2017
The push from the Chamber for more immigrant workers comes in striking contrast to President Donald J. Trump’s “American workers first” agenda, which many political analysts believe was central to his election victory a year ago.
The anecdotal evidence is strong enough: Trump cracked the “blue wall” of Democrat-leaning upper Midwestern states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania — all blue-collar states whose workers have suffered outsized unemployment rates thanks, in part, to an influx of cheaper foreign workers.
But there is also additional evidence proving the Chamber’s push for more migrant labor is at odds with reality. For example, the latest data shows that migrants who are dubbed “dreamers” by the Chamber and politicians graduate college at one-tenth the rate of American students of similar age, according to figures from the Migrant Policy Institute.
That said, none of this matters — to the Chamber or the American businesses supportive of the organization’s position on the importation of more migrants. It’s about the bottom line, period, and if it takes low-skilled, uneducated third-world immigrants to lower labor costs, then that’s what it’s all about.
Never mind how much it costs the American taxpayer. Or how negatively impacted our infrastructure (schools, hospitals, emergency services). Or how many Americans are killed, injured and maimed by illegals who drink and drive or simply commit rapes and murder.
Americans need a new political party to dominate in Washington: An “America First” party whose objectives are public policies that benefit Americans and America first and foremost. Then it wouldn’t matter how much anti-American groups spent lobbying lawmakers.
J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
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