A former federal prosecutor said there is plenty of evidence just from open source reporting to launch an investigation of Bill and Hillary Clinton for corruption, and the Department of Justice doesn’t need a special prosecutor to do it.
In an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham Tuesday night, Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia under President Ronald Reagan, said that the department’s standard criminal division can handle looking into corruption charges against the Clintons.
Continuing, he said there was no need to trigger rules that would require the appointment of a special counsel while mocking the notion that one was required to look into alleged “collusion” between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
“There’s no factual predicate for Robert Mueller,” said diGenova, speaking of the special counsel who was appointed to look into the collusion allegations. “There’s been no crime ever announced that he is investigating.”
One of the requirements for the appointment of a special counsel is a suspicion that a federal crime has been committed, but again, as diGenova said, one was not announced when Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein after Attorney General Jeff Sessions, an early Trump supporter, recused himself from any Trump-Russia investigation.
The former prosecutor was responding to repeated calls by many congressional Republicans for the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to examine various scandals that were not prosecuted during Barack Obama’s presidency, Lifezette reported.
The website further added:
There was the Uranium One deal, which saw a Russian company purchase up to 20 percent of U.S. uranium reserves. Hillary Clinton, then the secretary of state, approved the deal. There was also the odd FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was at the State Department. (FBI Director James Comey reportedly began clearing Clinton before the investigation had concluded.)
And there is plenty of concern about the Clinton Foundation’s solicitations made to foreign powers while Hillary Clinton held the U.S. secretary of state’s office.
Another Ingraham guest, Solomon Wisenberg, a lawyer who served as deputy independent counsel from 1997 to 1999 during the Whitewater investigation into then-President Clinton, was asked if he thought a special counsel was necessary since their investigations can last years and go virtually anywhere.
Wisenberg said that special counsels can be very specifically tasked, citing the investigation into the federal government’s siege of a religious compound in Waco, Texas, in 1993, following the deaths of several ATF agents and compound residents in a gun battle. The siege ended with the deaths of religious leader David Koresh and scores of children when the compound caught fire after federal agents fired tear gas into one of the structures. The government was found to not be at fault, but that conclusion wasn’t reached until 2000.
DiGenova cautioned that people should not get spun up on the notion of another “special counsel” for alleged Clinton corruption because Attorney General Jeff Sessions can simply task the FBI to open a standard criminal probe. (Related: Limbaugh: Mueller’s Russia probe is really just about protecting Democrats.)
“My point is very simple,” he told Ingraham. “The Uranium One, the Clinton Foundation, all the kickback, require an investigation. There is now existing a sufficient predicate for a federal grand jury. There has been one for more than four years … I don’t give a damn who investigates it — it needs to be investigated.”
Earlier this week The National Sentinel reported that Sessions has asked senior prosecutors to examine existing evidence and report back to him whether they believe a special counsel is warranted or necessary to look into allegations against the Clintons.
In July and again in September, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., called on Sessions to appoint another special counsel to look into concerns related to the 2016 election and beyond.
“The congressman’s list of allegations was broad, but in particular he wants Sessions and the department to look into the FBI’s handling of its criminal investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server for official business, various dealings of the Clinton Foundation, and details surrounding the sale of Canadian firm Uranium One to Russian firm Rosatom,” the site reported.
J. D. Heyes is editor-in-chief of TheNationalSentinel.com and a senior correspondent to the Natural News network of news sites.
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