Not long before the 2016 election, then candidate Donald Trump announced that if he became the 45th president of the United States, he would launch an investigation into the criminal misconduct of his rival, Hillary Clinton. Months later, after securing his spot in the Oval Office, Trump appointed Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, which millions of conservatives across the country thought was a great move because of Sessions’ boldness and commitment to the law. But for whatever reason, despite Trump’s promise and Sessions’ firm belief in the rule of law, Hillary Clinton has yet to be thoroughly investigated.
While testifying before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday, Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) grilled Jeff Sessions on why he has yet to appoint a special counsel to investigate crimes of collusion committed by the FBI and the DNC throughout the 2016 presidential election.
“What’s it going to take to actually get a special counsel?” Rep. Jordan asked towards the end of his line of questioning. “It would take a factual basis that meets the standards of the appointment of a special counsel,” replied Sessions, who was starting to become noticeably irritated by this point. Representative Jordan asked Sessions whether or not that analysis was going on right now, to which Sessions said, “Well it’s in the manual of the Department of Justice about what’s required.”
Jordan then delivered an entire monologue on what facts we already know concerning Hillary Clinton, the DNC and the FBI. “We know the Clinton campaign [and] the Democrat National Committee, through a law firm, paid for the dossier. We know that happened. And it sure looks like the FBI was paying the author of that document, and it sure looks like a major political party was working with the federal government” to turn a story in the National Inquirer into an intelligence document, “take that to the FISA Court so that they could then get a warrant to spy on Americans associated with President Trump’s campaign.”
But when Representative Jordan asked Sessions whether or not all of that information, combined with all of the things that we already know about former FBI Director James Comey in 2016, warrants a second special counsel, Sessions said that “what it looks like” isn’t enough information to appoint a special counsel.
It’s not often that you come across a member of Congress with as much integrity and backbone as Jim Jordan, and he should be commended for asking Jeff Sessions such bold yet necessary questions. As for the Attorney General, it truly is odd how a man who claims to believe in the rule of law doesn’t even seem willing to acknowledge the abundance of evidence surrounding him regarding the FBI, the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Sadly, Jeff Sessions appears to be playing a role in the perpetuation of something that has plagued Washington D.C. for decades, but perhaps more so within the past eight years – there is often very little, if any, accountability for government officials. (Related: The deep corruption inside of Robert Mueller’s office has been exposed as its revealed that his top lawyers secretly signed off on the Uranium One deal.)
America has done some incredible things since our founding in 1776, but at the same time, we have strayed so far away from the original intent of the framers of the Constitution. In many ways, this government is no longer by, for and of the people, and it is becoming increasingly obvious that those who claim to represent us really don’t in the least bit. The idea that the FBI, which is supposed to be a trusted and bipartisan institution, could have played a role in the advancement of Hillary Clinton’s campaign is completely against everything that America is all about. Corruption has spread like a cancer throughout the entire bureaucracy, and unfortunately, some people refuse to do anything about it even when they have the ability to.
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