Yesterday it was reported by the far left Washing Post that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is “considering’ a special counsel to investigate the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation –
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is entertaining the idea of appointing a second special counsel to investigate a host of Republican concerns — including alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation and the controversial sale of a uranium company to Russia — and has directed senior federal prosecutors to explore at least some of the matters and report back to him and his top deputy, according to a letter obtained by The Washington Post.
(Article by Joe Hoft republished from
The fact that Congress asked the Justice Department to look into the many corrupt and criminal actions of the Clintons and the Obama Administration and that we are just finding out now that Sessions is looking into these issues is appalling.
What took Sessions so long? Is he even serious about looking into these crimes? Americans have known for years that the Clinton Foundation and the Obama Administration were criminal and corrupt institutions.
The list of the many criminal and corrupt actions over the Obama years is long and extensive. But the sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia was one of the most corrupt actions of all the many deals made by Obama and the Clintons.
Bill and Hillary Clinton created the Clinton Foundation after the Bill Clinton Presidency. It was set up under the ruse that it was a charity but it has been nothing close to that. The Foundation is used by the Clintons as a ‘pay for play’ operation where bribes to the Clintons or the Foundation are reimbursed in the form of political favors.
The ultraliberal New York Times reported in April 2015 that the Clintons received millions of dollars from the Chairman of the firm Uranium One which were not disclosed publicly and in return the firm received uranium deposits in the US. At the same time as these transactions occurred the Russians purchased the majority stake in Uranium One. Ultimately the Clintons made millions and the Russians took over a large portion of the world’s global uranium supply chain. This transaction was just one of many that the Clintons took part in to amass their $250 million net worth over the past 16 years.
Hillary’s creepy campaign manager John Podesta also made millions from the Russians that he failed to legally report.
Instead of investigating the Clinton Foundation, AG Sessions recused himself from any Russia activities and then a corrupt special counsel was set up to investigate President Trump and his accused (by the MSM and Democrats) collusion with Russia. This was a total farce and not based on US law and the individuals who were involved in setting up the special counsel, later were identified as individuals who were involved in covering up a Russia investigation so uranium could be sold to Russia by the Obama Administration.
Worse yet, a report in October noted that the investigation was supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who is now President Trump’s Deputy Attorney General, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who is now the deputy FBI director under Trump.
Former Head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, who was assigned as special counsel has more conflicts of interest with the Trump-Russia fake collusion story as the days go by. The man is simply corrupt due to his prior criminal actions, his dealings with Uranium One, and his refusal to recuse himself from the corrupt witch hunt he is currently on. The Wall Street Journal and many Republicans are calling for his recusal or resignation from the kangaroo court he oversees and the President’s Chief of Staff, General John Kelly has called for a special investigation Uranium One, the deal Mueller’s FBI investigated that was squashed by Mueller.
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