There is a reason why Democrats always downplay claims that scores of illegal aliens are improperly voting in our elections: One, because it’s true; and two, because most of them support Democratic candidates.
The issue came front-and-center in the last election after President-elect Donald J. Trump suggested that as many as 5 million illegal aliens may have voted in November, which is why he did not win the popular vote (Note: Hillary Clinton’s ‘popular vote victory’ was due entirely to California, by the way, home to the highest population of illegal aliens in the U.S.)
Come to find out, while the president’s numbers may be wrong — we still don’t know yet but he has appointed a panel to find out — there were a large number of illegal votes cast, as Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said during a recent presentation.
Asserting that illegal aliens are now voting in numbers that are large enough to “change the outcome of elections,” Fitton told his audience that the number was between zero, as the Democrats claim, and the 5 million figure claimed by Trump.
“By my estimation, we had about one and a half million illegal alien votes in the last election, 1.4 million by my guess,” he said at an event hosted by The Remembrance Project.
Of that figure, Fitton estimated that some 80 percent of illegals vote for Democrats, while about 20 percent typically vote for Republicans. (Related: Shocking new data shows Hillary Clinton nearly won the 2016 election due to fraudulent votes.)
“1.1 million by that calculation voted for Hillary Clinton….so we really face a crisis in this regard,” Fitton said.
“It’s one thing to lose your country because you have no borders, it’s another thing to lose your country because you have no vote,” said Fitton, adding that policy discussions were pointless “if elections are stolen through illegal votes.”
That said, if a study published in June is accurate, Fitton may well be dramatically underestimating the number of illegal votes cast in the last election.
According to Just Facts head James D. Agresti and his research team, which examined data from a Harvard/YouGov study that included a sample size of tens of thousands of voters including non-citizens admitting they were ineligible to cast ballots, they concluded that as many as 5.7 million illegal aliens voted in the 2008 presidential election. In 2012, the team estimated that 3.6 million illegal votes were cast.
That’s far higher than previous estimates.
“The details are technical, but the figure I calculated is based on a more conservative margin of sampling error and a methodology that I consider to be more accurate,” Agresti told The Washington Times.
There is other, ancillary evidence that voter fraud is much more rampant than Democrats are ready to admit. As The National Sentinel reported in July, the chief Broward County elections official appeared in court in Miami as a defendant, where she will have to tell the court the county has many more registered voters than citizens of voting age, or a voter registration rate of 103 percent.
The official will also likely be asked to explain how it’s possible the county — with the state’s highest concentration of Democrats — has thousands of “registered voters” over the age of 100, with some being as old as 130.
The National Sentinel noted further:
The suit was filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), on behalf of the American Civil Rights Union, or ACRU. Logan Churchwell, the organization’s lead researcher, told Lifezette he counted “thousands” of people who were 100 or more on the country’s voter data rolls that were submitted to the federal Election Assistance Commission after the 2014 election.
The suit is emblematic of one major problem that Trump himself has highlighted: The fact that local voter registration rolls are so outdated and mismanaged it makes it easy for illegals to cast ballots.
J.D. Heyes is also editor-in-chief of The National Sentinel.
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