A former MAC makeup-artist turned transgendered, occultist witch is getting “its” 15 minutes of fame by capitalizing on leftist Trump-hate in a whole new way. “Dakota Bracciale,” a male pretending to be a woman, says “they” (its grammatically incorrect pronoun of choice) is now holding monthly meetings at a Brooklyn occult store named “Catland” along with other gender-confused, politically-riled malcontents in order to cast spells, curses, and hexes on President Donald Trump in the hopes that this will somehow remove him from office.
Bracciale, who describes itself as a “queer, non-binary witch living in Brooklyn,” has raised thousands of dollars over the past several months through the online fundraising portal GoFundMe in order to support itself during its quest to dethrone Trump. Claiming to have grown up in the church somewhere “between ‘Jesus Camp’ and snake handlers,” Bracciale says it is familiar with religion (at least the type that its family practiced when it was young), and from this has come up with a brand new way to “channel” the spirits in opposition to the current administration.
According to The New York Times (NYT) writer Michelle Goldberg who visited Catland in person, these monthly meetings involve trying to communicate with spirits that Bracciale and its witch coven believe can help change the course of the universe, including in politics. Convinced that President Trump is nothing but evil, and that he represents “the inversion of all decent values,” Bracciale believes that placing curses on him is the best way to make sense of a world in which Donald Trump is president of the United States.
“Catland has held three packed ceremonies to hex Trump, which involve the use of ‘cursing ingredients’ as well as the recitation of Psalm 109,” Goldberg writes as part of a detailed account of the goings on at Catland. “Let his days be few, and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg; let them seek their bread also from their desolate places,” reads verbatim one of Bracciale’s hex mantras.
If you’re wondering why Bracciale includes Bible verses like Psalm 109 in its curse protocol, there are apparently two reasons. For one, Bracciale is familiar with the Bible from its childhood, and believes that by structuring it around an anti-Trump spiritual agenda can use it for other purposes than traditional Christian use. Including Bible verses in satanic rituals, as contradictory as it is, is also Bracciale’s way of avoiding offending other religions.
“It might seem strange for people who reject monotheism to chant Bible verses, but Bracciale often uses the Book of Psalms as a spellbook,” writes Goldberg about the “rationale” behind this, noting that, “Wary of cultural appropriation, some of today’s young occultists look for esoteric strains in their own cultures rather than borrowing from foreign traditions.”
In other words, the inclusion of the Bible in satanic witchcraft is how leftist lunatics like Bracciale convince themselves that exhibiting this type of mental illness publicly will remain “non-offensive” – at least to everyone other than Christians, which is all that matters. As to the practical effectiveness of this dark buffoonery? It’s merely the new left’s latest outlet for violently screeching at the sky in defiance of the President and his victory over the queen witch herself, Hillary Clinton (since holding up a bloodied, decapitated Trump head like Kathy Griffin did earlier this year has already been done).
“Millennial occultists might seem silly to outsiders, but you don’t have to believe in hexes, witchcraft or magic to take them seriously as a sign that many people find the present intolerable. Just under the surface of American culture, something furious is brewing,” comments Goldberg.
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