The liberal left has moved so far left in many ways since the election of Donald Trump as President that several prominent liberals are now speaking out and calling members of their party to task for essentially going off the deep end and making complete fools of themselves in the fight for “progressive” ideals.
One unlikely voice on this front is former Vice President Joe Biden, who during a recent speech he gave at the University of Delaware, chastised campus extremists who feel it appropriate to disrupt and shut down all forms of speech and expression that they claim offends them.
Biden spoke comparatively about what he remembers from the time when he attended college to what is currently taking place on many college campuses across the country. The changes are disheartening, he warned, as he encouraged students in his listening audience who identify as liberals to learn and understand the importance of free speech and the First Amendment in preserving the ideals of our Republic.
“It’s interesting,” Biden quipped about the current climate of liberal hysteria at campuses like the University of California, Berkeley, where tyrannical leftist groups back in the Spring destroyed property and fomented anarchy in response to a scheduled speech by conservative author and speaker Ann Coulter.
“When I was coming up through college and graduate school, free speech was the big issue but it was the opposite. It was liberals who were shouted down when they spoke. And liberals have very short memories. I mean that sincerely.”
Biden went on to decry such immature behavior as hurting the liberal cause “badly,” noting that if liberals are unable to defend their views through civil discourse and reason, then they will never be taken seriously by others with differing views. Biden even went so far as to explain to his largely liberal audience that shutting down free speech that they believe to be fascistic is utterly hypocritical.
“You should be able to listen to another point of view, as virulent as it may be, and reject it, expose it,” Biden stated. “The best thing to do is let this stuff be exposed. Don’t be like these other people. Don’t give the Trumps of the world the ability to compare you to the Nazis or you to the racists because you’re doing the same thing. You’re silencing.”
Adding to this, liberal civil rights activist and attorney Alan Dershowitz recently went to bat in defense of what some might say is a conservative cause when he called out the National Football League (NFL) for its tolerance of players who have chosen to kneel rather than stand during the National Anthem as an act of disrespect towards the country.
Contrary to what some are claiming, NFL players do not have a constitutional right to kneel during the Anthem, Dershowitz says. This means that players are not entitled to essentially do whatever they feel like doing without facing repercussions, as it is up to the various team owners how they want their players to behave before the games begin.
“The players are entitled to kneel if the owners allow them to,” Dershowitz told John Catsimatidis on New York’s 970 AM radio station during a recent interview. “Now the owners could say ‘no’ because the players don’t have a First Amendment right in relation to the owners. They only have a First Amendment right in relation to the government.”
Echoing the sentiments made by Biden during his recent speech, Dershowitz added that it is wrong for those demanding free speech to also demand that others they disagree with be deprived of theirs.
“That’s not the way it works,” he said, adding that “the Constitution doesn’t distinguish between good speech and bad speech.”
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