The removal of former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) chief James Comey by President Donald Trump back in May awakened many Americans to the endemic corruption that has proliferated throughout this once-respected federal agency, especially during the Obama years. But truth be told, FBI corruption has been rampant since 1908 when the agency was first created – many people just weren’t aware of it back then.
According to The Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF), the FBI’s rap sheet of inconspicuous crimes is far longer than most people probably think. This was perhaps most apparent for the first time when Woodrow Wilson dragged the United States into World War I, which set a whole new precedent for the types of people that the government considered to be “dangerous.”
With the passage of the Espionage Act in 1917, it became easier than ever for the federal government to imprison people who hadn’t actually committed any crimes. At the time, many of those who were critical of the war were deemed as being a “threat,” and thus became targets of the FBI. The epitome of “deep state” corruption, the FBI basically began sidestepping all of the constitutional protections outlined in the Bill of Rights that are meant to protect Americans from wrongful imprisonment, effectively setting itself above the law.
The situation only escalated when J. Edgar Hoover was appointed to become the head of the FBI’s Radical Division. Hoover is said to have been the point man for the so-called “Palmer Raids,” which resulted in the arrest of nearly 10,000 people who were suspected of being communists or “radicals.” So extreme and unconstitutional was the FBI’s aggression against Americans during that time that federal judge George Anderson, who ultimately put an end to these raids, declared the FBI to be a “spy system” whose actions were “destroy[ing] trust and confidence” in government, as well as “propagat[ing] hate.”
From there, the FBI began to set its sights on judges and members of Congress, illegally wiretapping and targeting those deemed to be “threats to America.” Homes and offices were broking into; mail was intercepted; and telephones were tapped as part of an illicit spy campaign by the FBI, which at this point had fully materialized into a secret government within the actual government.
In a personal journal entry he penned back in 1945, former President Harry Truman referred to the FBI as “Gestapo” and “Secret Police,” adding that its actions in this regard “must stop.” He did not, however, do anything to rein the FBI in, so the tyranny continued. As the years went by, the FBI developed its infamous COINTELPRO program in which the agency actually fomented violence and civil unrest in order to destroy any group that it saw as a threat to its own continuity.
Fast-forward to 1993 and the FBI had shifted to actually instituting violence directly against Americans. The infamous Branch Davidian raid in Waco, Texas, demonstrated that the FBI was not afraid to actually murder Americans in cold blood, all in the name of “national security.” This abominable event left more than 80 men, women, and children dead, and the FBI with unspeakable amounts of blood on its hands.
On and on it goes, with the FBI adopting an aggressive “counterterrorism” narrative during the mid- to late-1990s that, while the agency received plenty of taxpayer dollars to implement it, ultimately failed to prevent what arguably became the worst act of terrorism yet on American soil: The 9/11 attacks against the World Trade Center towers in New York City.
So while President Trump’s aggressive actions with regards to Comey brought to light rampant FBI corruption during the Obama years, the fact of the matter is that the FBI is inherently corrupt and for many decades has greatly overstepped its constitutional bounds, becoming an enemy of the people rather than an ally.
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