If Richard Nixon had been a liberal Democrat, Americans may never have learned about the Pentagon Papers or the Watergate break-in, the latter of which led to the 37th president’s resignation from office.
That’s because had he been a liberal Democrat, the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media would have largely ignored both stories — or as much of those stories as could be ignored.
You know, like mainstream journalists are doing now regarding the fact that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee helped finance the bogus “Trump dossier” that was used as justification by the FBI to probe members of Team Trump during (and after) last year’s campaign.
As reported by The Daily Caller:
According to WaPo, Marc E. Elias, a lawyer for the Clinton campaign and DNC, and his law firm, Perkins Coie, hired Fusion GPS last April to investigate Trump with the help of Christopher Steele, a former British spy. The Steele dossier was reportedly used by the FBI to form part of its investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
But now, mainstream journalists and other journalism professionals, Left-wing hacks one and all, are swimming away from the new revelations as hard and fast as possible, after lying for months that there was “collusion” between the Trump campaign and the Russian government to “steal the election” from Clinton. If anything, the dossier proves that Democrats and Clinton colluded with Moscow: Over the dossier (whose author, Christopher Steele, was spoon-fed bogus information by Russian operatives) and over new revelations about Clinton/Obama administration “collusion” in allowing Moscow to gain control 20 percent of all strategic U.S. uranium via the sale of Uranium One.
Journalism professor Dan Gillmor tweeted out that the “GOP started” funding the dossier, which is a baldfaced lie. There is an anonymous Republican donor who paid Fusion GPS, the firm which hired Steele to produce the document, for standard opposition research on Trump. However, that donor bailed out before Fusion ever hired Steele to create the BS document.
Re Steele dossier funding: Republicans want you to think it's a scandal that Democrats picked up a project the GOP started first.
— Dan Gillmor (@dangillmor) October 25, 2017
In addition, Brian Fallon, a contributor at the Fake News Network a.k.a. CNN, a former spokesman for Clinton, similarly conflated the payment for “oppo” research with payment for the dossier. He, like other Democrat hacks, is still insisting that the dossier is the real story here, not who paid for it, even though nothing substantial contained in the document has been verified (because it’s fake).
Some of the Republicans pouncing on dossier story tonight are surely in for a self-own when we learn who funded project during GOP primary.
— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) October 25, 2017
In addition, an MSNBC executive producer, Christina Ginn, was so desperate to pedal away from the burgeoning scandal she tweeted President Donald J. Trump to incorrectly claim, like the others, that the dossier first was funded by Republicans. Also, she pointed out that Donald Trump Jr. once met with a Russian lawyer who promised to shovel out “dirt” on Clinton (she didn’t, by the way).
#1: Republicans first funded the dossier.
#2: Your son, son-in-law & campaign manager met with Russians claiming to have dirt on Clinton.— Christina Ginn (@NBChristinaGinn) October 25, 2017
Former New York Times reporter Jim Roberts said that the “real issue” isn’t who paid but the dossier itself, because heck, we all know Trump has “deep ties” to Russia (except that he doesn’t).
The GOP will use this relentlessly to escape the real issue: Russia’s deep ties to Trump. That’s the story. It isn’t going sway.
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) October 25, 2017
More from the fake news channel known as MSNBC: Megan Murphy of Bloomberg, no ally of the president, further insisted that journalists ought not concern themselves with who paid for the dossier or even the document itself. Rather, everyone should be focusing on whether or not there really was collusion between the Trump camp and Moscow.
And yet, 1) After more than a year no evidence whatsoever has been leaked to the media proving collusion (and it would have been by now — if it existed); and 2) The dossier is central to the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller. (Related: Limbaugh: Mueller’s Russia probe is really just about protecting Democrats)
Finally, MSNBC fraudster Rachel Maddow lied when she claimed that a GOP donor was in on funding Steele’s project despite the fact that Fusion didn’t contract Steele until after that donor stopped paying the firm.
All of this is why the establishment media hates the alternative media and always attempts to discredit us: Because we are the real ‘mainstream’ media reporting truths and perspectives and facts that implicate, indict or otherwise make uncomfortable their buddies in the corrupt Democratic Party.
And we’re not afraid to go after the other side, either, when they’re wrong or corrupt.
J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
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