It’s not exactly a secret that the overwhelming majority of high school teachers and college professors lean to the left. Last year, the Washington Times reported on a study that was originally published in Econ Journal Watch, which found that professors with liberal views outnumber professors with conservative views by a ratio of about 12 to 1. Of course, this wouldn’t be nearly as big of a problem if these left leaning professors were remaining fair and balanced inside of the classroom, but as we have seen time and time again, this clearly is not the case.
Now, it appears that many professors across the country have taken their extremist views to an entirely new level. The Daily Caller recently reported on how dozens of public school teachers are actually behind the left wing militant group known as “By Any Means Necessary,” which happens to be an offshoot of the equally as radical Antifa movement.
Yvette Felarca, a middle school teacher at Berkeley, is one of BAMN’s most prominent organizers. In addition to defending the staged violent protests that took place at Berkeley that ultimately prevented right wing activist Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking, Felarca is also currently facing charges for the role that she played in inciting a riot in Sacramento.
Ferlarca also helped By Any Means Necessary organize the mass demonstrations that took place recently in Berkeley in response to a separate anti-Marxism rally. While even the left wing zealot Nancy Pelosi condemned the Antifa violence that took place on this day, Ferlarca called BAMN’s actions a “resounding success.”
In 2015, yet another BAMN organizer and teacher by the name of Nicole Conaway organized a “sickout” at her school, which encouraged other teachers to call out sick to protest the political policies being implemented by Republican Governor Rick Snyder. Conaway’s sickout resulted in six Detroit-area schools cancelling class for the day, which affected nearly 4,000 students. Just one month later, Conaway was arrested after she led students in a school walkout protest.
Other teachers and school administrators who are connected in one way or another to Antifa include Oakland Technical High School teacher Tania Kappner, Steve Conn, who was elected president of the Detroit Federation of Teachers, and dozens more. (Related: America’s universities have become training camps for violent left wing extremism.)
If you’ve been paying attention to trends in public education for the past several years, then you are probably well aware that liberal professors are evolving. Not long ago, most of them would simply promote progressivism and trash conservatism in the safety of their classrooms, which quite frankly is bad enough, considering the harmful effects this kind of left wing indoctrination will have on upcoming generations. Now, however, teachers appear to be stepping outside of the classroom and forcing their radical agenda down our throats in ways other than lectures and meticulously chosen textbooks. In this way, many educators have apparently chosen activism over teaching.
If there was a salesman that sat at his desk all day and played games on his computer instead of actually going out and trying to sell the company’s product or service, there’s no doubt that he would be fired, and rightfully so. A salesman that focuses 95 percent of his time on gaming isn’t doing his job.
Why is it any different than when people like Yvette Felarca, Nicole Conaway, Tania Kappner or Steve Conn are involved? These are people who were hired to educate an entire generation of young Americans and ultimately prepare them for the future. Their job is not to shove political views down the throats of their students, and it is definitely not to take to the streets and start riots. Those teachers and professors who think otherwise should be fired, or possibly even arrested.
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