One of the biggest mysteries to me in all of this nasty business involving Hollywood mega-mogul Harvey Weinstein is that as a raving lunatic liberal, he’s behaved far worse than anything President Donald J. Trump is accused of doing, and yet the women he and other Hollywood types — actors, directors, producers — act as though he and his supporters are the bigger threats to female safety.
Looking at the accusations now piling up against Weinstein makes Trump look like a schoolboy talking about sex in a locker room, and yet he’s the monster. He’s the danger. He’s anti-women.
With each passing day, there are new allegations against Weinstein but it must run in the family: Now his younger producer brother Bob Weinstein stands accused of sexual harassment.
In the days since The New York Times broke its story regarding the serial accusations against Harvey, we have learned that in addition to regularly making lewd sexual suggestions and comments to a multitude of women whose only “crime” was seeking an acting career, he also has been accused of forcing women to perform oral sex on him and of raping two others.
Does that sound like a man who is “compassionate” and “deferential to women?” Or does it sound like a bona fide sexual predator who got away with abusing women for decades because he’s a lib who backs all the politically correct Left-wing causes (abortion on demand, higher taxes, more government) and all the right Democratic candidates who summarily push for such policies?
I think it’s the latter. And what really gets me is that the women he and other Hollywood big shots have abused share the same political philosophies and same hatred of Trump and his supporters — people who have done nothing to them but who do agree that what has been done to them is horrific, extremely troublesome and warranting of punishment.
Take Jennifer Lawrence, for example. The 27-year-old has been heard lately ranting about the president.
Early on, when he was still trying to compete with 16 other Republican candidates, she told entertainment media that if he were to become president, “that would be the end of the world.” [Obviously, that’s not happened yet.] She also said Trump’s blunt speaking style left her shaking her head. And most recently, she flipped him the bird during an appearance on a British television show and said, “Hey Trump, f**k you” when asked what she would say to then-GOP nominee Trump if she saw him in person. (Related: Why isn’t the Secret Service kicking down Madonna’s door after her threat against President Trump?)
And yet, at 15 years old she was told by a female producer to lose weight for a film and then stand in line naked with other girls while she was humiliatingly examined. What’s more, she said she attempted to stand up for herself by telling another male producer she believed the demand for her to lose weight wasn’t appropriate. His reply? “He said he didn’t know why everyone thought I was so fat, he thought I was ‘perfectly f**kable,’” she said. Again, she was 15.
What about actress Ashley Judd? Shortly after Trump was inaugurated she appeared at a “Women’s March” in Washington, D.C., to slam Trump and declare that “our p***ies ain’t for grabbing.”
Fair enough. But when she was trying to land a part in a Weinstein-produced movie 20 years ago, she allowed him to sexually harass her in his hotel room and didn’t say anything about it because she was afraid he’d ruin her career.
Actress Reese Witherspoon said she was sexually assaulted by a director when she was 16 years old as she reflected on Weinstein’s reported abuses and the treatment of women generally in the film industry.
“[I feel] true disgust at the director who assaulted me when I was 16-years-old and anger at the agents and the producers who made me feel that silence was a condition of my employment,” she said, adding it was not the only time she was harassed. And yet, she has endorsed Democrats in the past — the same party that Weinstein belongs to and donated to.
Why? Why do these women who have been serially abused by Left-wing leeches nevertheless mate with them ideologically while reviling Trump and supporters of his who haven’t done anything to them and don’t condone what has been done to them?
See more of J.D. Heyes’ work at The National Sentinel, where is editor-in-chief.
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