Trying to “normalize” pedophilia, the morally-depraved mainstream media is now sexualizing children as young as five years old. A disturbing advertisement features young girls in racy lingerie, showing off their bodies as they are coaxed to strut down Victoria’s Secret-styled runways.
Sexual perversion is on full display as young children are made into sex objects for pedophilian pleasure. The mainstream media somehow tries to make this kind of activity seem normal. Some media outlets even sympathize with the pedophiles behind it all.
Is there no conscience, no fear of God anymore?
A highly coordinated, elite pedophile ring was bravely exposed on national television by Dr. Phil McGraw and a team of investigators early in 2017. An escaped victim, born into the child sex industry as an infant, came out on an episode of Dr. Phil. Caged and raped as a child, she was later forced to procreate to provide the elite pedophile ring with new child victims. Forced to kill and rape other kids, this escaped victim revealed an unfathomable world of evil taking place among some of the world’s richest and most powerful people in Hollywood, politics, government and business.
This elite pedophile ring, servicing politicians and other high ranking positions in society, is now trying to brainwash the masses into thinking pedophilia is justified, that children can be sexualized and used as objects.
The most recent child exploitation event was filmed at a shopping mall in China and showcases young girls bearing legs and full midriff, flaunting elaborate costume wings and headpieces as if they are part of a Victoria’s Secret runway show. Perverse adults can be seen taking pictures, totally oblivious to what they are doing to these kids and their own twisted selves.
Photo: australscope
Right along with the perverse messaging, Hollywood tool Kim Kardashian, recently unveiled her new children’s clothing line, which included a racy bikini and lace slip dress.
No matter how morally disturbing it is, pedophilia is now being presented as culturally acceptable, with a new wave of pedophilia sympathizers cropping up in the media. We are told we cannot offend pedophiles because they were born with some kind of condition.
The NY Times previously published a mind-numbing piece that sympathizes with pedophiles, calling pedophilia a “disorder” that “these people [pedophiles] are living with.” The Times article tries to “normalize” pedophilia by comparing it to a condition that the offender has no control over. The Times tells us that anyone who fantasizes, exploits, or rapes a child is actually the victim and we should have sympathy for them and their condition.
The sympathy parade doesn’t end there. A BBC writer claims that pedophilia is just another “sexual orientation” akin to being gay or transgender.
Then there is Salon Magazine which has implied that society must accept pedophiles as they are. Salon refers to pedophilia as an ‘alternate sexual preference.’ One Salon writer, Todd Nickerson, blatantly said he sought babysitting jobs and even “fell in love” with a five-year-old he watched.
Trying to be politically correct, some people want to accept everyone and everything and see no difference between what is right and what is wrong. Delusional and dangerous, these pedophile sympathizers are embracing sexual violence and lifelong emotional damage to children.
The agenda is becoming clear: the perverted, dangerous pedophiles that have the money, power, influence and organization to cover their tracks are now trying to influence people through the mainstream media so more people will accept this evil as normal. (Related: For more, check out Evil.News.)
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