For several weeks now, liberals in Washington D.C. and the mainstream media have been giddy and overjoyed over a stack of documents set to be released by Facebook that were allegedly related to Russia and the 2016 presidential election. But unfortunately for them, what they thought would be a big step forward for their phony Trump-Russia scandal was really – to quote a failed democratic presidential nominee – a “nothing burger.”
As CNN reported late last month, “at least one of the Facebook ads bought by Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign referenced Black Lives Matter and was specifically targeted to reach audiences in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore.” Additionally, the Washington Post reported that other ads turned over by Facebook showed support for Hillary Clinton among Muslim women.
“This is consistent with the overall goal of creating discord inside the body politic here in the United States, and really across the West,” explained former CIA officer and CNN national security analyst Steve Hall. “It shows the level of sophistication of their targeting. They are able to sow discord in a very granular nature, target certain communities and link them up with certain issues.”
Of course, far left progressives in Washington D.C. like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were no doubt hoping that the Facebook ads would reveal that Donald Trump and his team colluded with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign. Now that we know that the Russians launched advertising campaigns that supported the interests of the Democrat Party, however, how can anyone still possibly argue that there was some kind of large-scale, concerted effort on the part of Vladimir Putin to get Donald Trump elected?
In fact, since we now know that some of the Facebook ads Russia launched were in support of Hillary Clinton, can we assume that the liberals colluded with the Russians to help the Democrat Party defeat the Republicans last year? Where is the outrage from the mainstream media? Where are the congressional Democrats calling for an investigation into Clinton-Russia collusion during the 2016 presidential election?
But the recently released Facebook ads are only the tip of the iceberg. Back in August, the Daily Caller reported that a Ukrainian Member of Parliament called for an investigation into what he considered to be “illegal interference” between Ukrainian government officials and the DNC during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
“Only a transparent and thorough investigation into the unlawful interference of Ukrainian officials with the U.S. election campaign can restore the trust of our strategic partner,” argued Ukrainian MP Andrei Derkach. Naturally, Derkach’s call for a criminal investigation was hardly covered by the mainstream media, even though you’d think it would be considering how “concerned” and “worried” the liberals are over Russian interference in United States elections. (Related: CNN’s credibility collapses under the weight of the Russia fake news scandal.)
The liberals within the mainstream media and Washington D.C. didn’t even seem concerned when Barack Obama was caught on a hot mic telling the president of Russia that he’d have “more flexibility” after the 2012 election, nor did they seem too worried when it was revealed that Hillary Clinton had sold 20 percent of America’s uranium production to the Russians. So what exactly is going on here?
From the second Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for president of the United States, the left has been engaged in an all-out war on Trump, his campaign team, his administration, and the truth. Their strategy involves manufacturing phony scandals – much like the one about Trump colluding with the Russians – to bring down the president of the United States and ultimately put a stop to the advancement of the conservative agenda. Fortunately for those on the right, this strategy failed in the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election, and it will most likely continue to fail in 2020 and beyond.
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