Despite reminding us often that he was a “constitutional professor,” former President Obama became infamous for sidestepping presidential powers as they were laid out in our nation’s founding document, acting more like the monarch from which our founders separated.
One of the most profound of Obama’s power grabs was the implementation of a program he called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA — which President Donald J. Trump ended Tuesday. Prior to the 2012 election, Obama said 22 times that as president, he alone did not have the power to change or create immigration laws.
“I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself,” he told one gathering.
“I take the Constitution very seriously,” he said during his first campaign for president, in March 2008.
After he won reelection in 2012, he proceeded to implement DACA, despite the fact that he knew he did not possess the power to do (but what he also knew was that there weren’t enough votes in Congress to impeach him over his unconstitutional act).
Well, as Trump prepares to rescind DACA and restore the rule of law to America, there are three additional Obama-era executive orders he can and ought to rescind.
— The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI): The socialist-Marxist whom Obama recess-appointed to head up this agency, Donald Berwick, once called it the “jewel in the crown” of Obamacare, and there’s a great reason for that, as Lifezette reports:
CMMI is one of numerous cipher offices Obama designed to be unaccountable to Congress, with the goal they could continue pushing the country leftward long after Democrats were out of power. Its key feature in this regard is the authority to rewrite Medicare law simply by conducting a “pilot study” and subsequently declaring the study was a success.
Mind you, pilot studies are meant to be small and are designed to allow experts a chance to evaluate results before changes are then made and applied to a larger group. By comparison, CMMI’s first big study affected the health care of three-quarters of Medicare patients. And even one of Obamacare’s staunchest supporters, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., was not happy about it (which is a delicious irony, since he voted to pass Obamacare legislation).
Trump can issue regulatory guidance that narrowly focuses CMMI’s authority and reach, rather than its current vague, limitless power. (Related: Obamacare’s implosion rolls on: Americans face ANOTHER double-digit increase in healthcare premiums in 2018.)
— Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: This agency was created to be the most unaccountable of all unaccountable Obamacare agencies — which is why it is so loved by socialist Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who came up with the CFPB’s unconstitutional design. For one, it gets funded simply by asking the U.S. Treasury to print up some money for its use and is completely outside of the congressional appropriations process.
He once snapped at a lawmaker who asked the agency’s mouthy director, Richard Cordray, why he was spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a massive headquarters building. “What does that matter to you?” he fired back when asked about it.
Trump can fire this arrogant so-and-so today (and he should).
— Independent Payment Advisory Board: This is the agency that is often referred to as Obamacare’s “death panels.” The IPAB is literally a committee of bureaucrats who are charged with deciding how to ration health care for the remaining 310 million Americans. What’s more, Democrats inserted language into Obamacare that makes it illegal for Congress to even debate legislation aimed at repealing the IPAB.
Trump should, during his first State of the Union Address, propose repealing this ridiculously abusive panel and mock Obama’s unconstitutional effort to make debating such repeal illegal (though repealing and replacing Obamacare, in general, would work, too).
Obama got away with abusing his office and the Constitution (and Congress let him). Trump can right Obama’s wrongs with his pen.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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