It should be obvious to even the casual political observer that the Alt-Left media is the driver of so-called “progressive” idealism. Once the media begins pushing a concept, it becomes part of the Left’s modus operandi.
In recent years progressives have been pushing the concept of a “universal basic income” — that is, a monthly stipend from the government that would replace actual employment. The idea is that everyone would be taken care of, no one would go without, and income equality would finally be achieved.
What they never tell you, however, is that a basic income is just welfare by another name. Also, when you essentially pay people to do nothing, that’s exactly what society gets in return: Nothing. Like every other government (taxpayer) program, cradle-to-grave welfare breeds irresponsibility, saps initiative and drive, destroys any sense of self-worth and more importantly, permanently limits a person’s lifetime earning ability.
It also puts every single person under further control of the government: After all, if you literally depend on government for your livelihood, what’s to stop that government from imposing whatever tyrannical rule it wishes to impose? Anyone who resists will be cut off and left to fend for themselves, which will become increasingly harder to do. (Related: America has turned into a handout nation, record 236 million people collecting some form of assistance from the Government.)
And there is this: Who decides how much the “basic income” will be? What will be the criteria? Where will the money come from?
But no matter. Hey, at least we’d all be equal, even if it’s equally miserable.
Still, the Left-wing media pushes this as if it’s a real solution, even finding creative ways to do so. The UK’s Daily Mail, for instance, is trying to sell a basic monthly income as a “stress reliever” and a key to better health:
It is healthier to be unemployed than have a stressful job, new research suggests.
Adults who go from being out of work to having a poor-quality job suffer more stress-related health concerns, a study found.
These include having significantly worse blood glucose and cholesterol levels, the research adds.
It also affects fat storage, increases the levels of substances associated with blood clots and causes inflammation, the study found.
The story did not actually promote the concept of a basic monthly income, but there is an implied meaning behind the findings: Better to be on some form of assistance than to actually have to get up in the morning and go to a job, thus becoming a productive member of society rather than someone who takes from it.
If you’re like most people, you’ve had a lousy job. You have worried about how you’re going to pay bills and how you’re going to stretch your income from paycheck to paycheck.
Yes, that is stressful, and there is no reason to doubt the research, which was conducted by the University of Manchester.
But to conclude that unemployment is better even than a “poor” job is to also conclude that, on the basis of ‘better health,’ no one should even attempt to work their way up if that first, second or even third job is “poor.”
“Just as good work is good for health, we must also remember poor quality work can be detrimental to health,” researchers concluded.
Okay, but what about feelings of worthlessness, self-loathing and dependency — what do those do to the body? Surely feeling like you’re not worth anything to society, that you’re unimportant and not able to contribute anything to your own survival has to have an effect at least on mental status — right?
In fact, people already struggle with self-worth issues. There is a growing field of psychology devoted to studying it.
“When we do not see worth in something, we often treat it poorly. Self-worth is the same way,” according to Brooke Lewis, a registered clinical counselor who specializes in self-harm, as reported by PsychCentral.
People who are not productive or are unable to achieve anything other than a “basic income” and basic status in life surely can’t be healthy, either.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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