President Donald J. Trump has surpassed his 200th day in office, and none of the major items he campaigned on have been enacted into law.
The Washington establishment and pundit class have been quick to point out this “failure” on his part, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell even complaining last week that the president’s “expectations” have been “excessive” during a speech to a Rotary Group in his home state of Kentucky.
“Our new president, of course, has not been in this line of work before,” McConnell told the crowd, according to local media. “I think he had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic process.
“Part of the reason I think people think we’re underperforming is because of too many artificial deadlines unrelated to the reality of the legislature which may have not been understood,” he added.
Yeah, the voters aren’t buying that, Mr. Majority Leader.
Republicans have been promising progress for years on core issues they’ve campaigned (and raised money) on, such as repealing Obamacare; all they needed, conservatives were told, was control of the House, Senate, and the presidency.
Well, voters gave Republicans control of the House, Senate, and the presidency — and here we are, months later, and nothing has been done to enact the president’s agenda.
Who’s to blame for that? Voters say it’s Congress.
As reported by the Detroit News’ Nolan Finley, a recent visit with Trump supporters in a formerly blue state that the president flipped into the Republican column in November for the first time in decades is pleased overall with him; it’s Congress they don’t much care for:
The Trump base is not as angry as I expected, not as defensive and certainly not as disappointed in how the presidency of the man they carried into office is unfolding.
In fact, when I stopped by a Michigan Republicans for Trump rally at a White Lake restaurant the other night, I found a group of 80-100 die-hard Trump backers as passionate and optimistic as they were on election night last fall.
“If you look what he’s accomplished in the short time he’s been in office, it’s incredible,” Rosanne Ponkowski of West Bloomfield, president of the Michigan Conservative Coalition, told Finley.
Trump supporters don’t see the “chaos” within his administration so often portrayed by the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media (‘chaos’ that is driven by their fake news many times). Rather, they see Trump waging war on The Swamp he promised to drain, and in the process being stymied or counterattacked by the ‘Party of No’ — Democrats — and the bureaucracy. Also, they are extremely upset with “the despicable disloyalty of congressional Republicans.” (Related: Here is the real truth about Trump’s popularity that the media isn’t telling you.)
And yet, they see Trump’s executive orders cutting back on onerous, expensive regulations; they see him reversing controversial Obama-era policies like catering to transgenders in the military; they see the stock market rising along with a falling unemployment rate and increasing job opportunities; they see a president who every day, every moment, is doing what he said he would do in putting America first.
What they don’t see is him getting the support he deserves and earned from lackeys to big donor interests in a wholly co-opted Congress.
“It seems to be a one-sided story all the time,” Tim Rugg, a firefighter from Highland Township, told Finley. “With President Trump, they’re continually beating, pounding. It just seems like they’re working for someone to try to undo what we wanted for America.”
“Under the extraordinary and historical attacks and sabotage to take this president down, I think he’s doing great,” added Polly Kingley. “I can’t imagine anybody else facing this kind of pressure and still accomplishing what he’s accomplishing.”
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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