The man who claims credit for procuring news coverage of the infamous Watergate scandal for The Washington Post, recently made a public appearance on CNN to declare that the mainstream media is in a shambles. Carl Bernstein, an MSM legend, announced that the tumultuous political climate in the United States has created a “cold civil war” throughout the media that’s deeply divided Americans over the issue of true news versus fake news.
On CNN’s Reliable Sources program, Bernstein made the claim that what he sees today is a “different media universe” entirely from the one that existed back in the 1970s when he was covering Watergate. Separating facts from fiction is a much more difficult task in today’s world, he says, which stems from the fact that the news has become more a mouthpiece for partisan politics than a beacon for spreading simple facts.
He largely blames the cable news phenomenon in which outlets like Fox News seem to hold a more conservative bent, while CNN and others favor more liberal views. Oddly enough, he made these statements on none other than the king of fake news, CNN, which has been on a mission for more than a year to take down the Trump administration by publishing falsities about its alleged involvement with Russian election hacking.
“It’s a cauldron taking place in this hothouse of political debate, in which a fact-based debate is becoming impossible in this culture,” Bernstein said during the segment. “And that’s the difficulty here. We’re just lobbing accusations back and forth … in which a fact-based environment is almost impossible to maintain.”
It’s not that simple, though, as there exists a monolithic, deep state apparatus that’s been actively working against the interests of the American people for many decades – and one that news outlets like CNN and The Washington Post (and even to some extent, Fox News) have actually been jointly complicit in ignoring. Only since the election of Donald Trump has this dark agenda been unearthed and disrupted, which has prompted the “dinosaur” media to lash out with all sorts of fake news attacks meant to take down the president.
In reality, the reason why the current administration is facing this endless barrage of baseless attacks by the media is because President Trump isn’t one of “them” – meaning he isn’t part of the cabal trying to push the New World Order agenda. This wild media climate of which Bernstein speaks, in other words, is merely a product of the embedded corruption at all levels of media and government trying to destroy President Trump and prevent him from implementing his “America First” agenda.
Rather than point this out, Bernstein makes it sound as though both “sides” are equally guilty of childish mudslinging that’s mutually obscuring the truth. What’s actually happening, at least by all appearances, is that powerful elements in the media are willing to stop at nothing to remove President Trump, even if it means spreading lies and dividing Americans over fictitious accusations about Russian election tampering.
“To say that the U.S. media has a developed a bit of a credibility issue of late would be an understatement,” explains Zero Hedge.
“Mass hysteria over Trump’s victory in November has clearly resulted in a staggering deterioration in reporting standards as dropping the latest ‘bombshell’ and inflicting the latest wound on the Trump administration has been prioritized over truthful, fact-based reporting. All of which, as we’ve noted frequently of late, has resulted in a number of embarrassing corrections from several major media outlets who have been forced to admit their reporting was just outright ‘fake news.'”
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