You may not be a fan of President Donald J. Trump and Republicans, and that’s certainly your prerogative, but when it comes to corruption, the Grand Ol’ Party doesn’t hold a candle to rival Democrats.
In fact, long before the Age of Obama — when politicization of supposedly “independent” agencies like the Justice Department, the IRS and the intelligence community became the norm — rank-and-file Democrats in Congress, Democratic mayors and other Democratic public officials in cities and jurisdictions long controlled by the party of the donkey have been racking up one corruption charge after another, with many having been convicted or facing trial.
As compiled by the New York Observer, the list includes big city leaders, current members of Congress and lawyers:
— In recent days the former head of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schulz of Florida, became embroiled in yet another scandal when federal authorities arrested Imran Awan, a Pakistani IT aide, as he attempted to flee the country. He’s been charged with bank fraud after wiring $300,000 to his native land ahead of his escape. He was employed by Wasserman Schulz until his arrest; he’s been implicated (along with other family members who have already fled to Pakistan) in “wide-range equipment and data theft.” He and his family members worked for a couple dozen Democrats in the House, including members of the Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees; they are accused of stealing information. The FBI has confiscated hard drives that he allegedly attempted to destroy. “The investigation began in February, Wasserman Schultz only recently granted U.S. Capitol Police access to a laptop Awan hid in a crevice of a congressional office building,” the New York Observer reported. (Related: SWAMP: Lawyer For Democrat IT Worker Arrested In D.C. Has HUGE Ties To The Clintons.)
— The Democratic mayor of Allentown, Pa., Ed Pawlowski, as well as former Democratic mayor of Reading Vaughn Spencer, with three others, were just indicted by the FBI in late July in a pay-to-play scam. Also, Seth Williams, Philadelphia’s district attorney, decided to skip reelection because he’s currently dealing with an FBI investigation into his alleged failure to report $160,000 in gifts.
Staying in Pennsylvania, Congressman Robert Brady, representing the state’s 1st Congressional District, is also under FBI investigation after he allegedly paid a primary challenger in 2012 to drop out of the race. He’s one of Congress’ longest-serving Democrats but he isn’t the only Democratic lawmaker to come under FBI investigation. In 2016 Democratic Rep. Chaka Fattah was charged, convicted and sentenced to prison on corruption charges, after serving in Congress since 1995.
— Moving to Washington State, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray has abandoned his reelection bid after being implicated in a sex abuse scandal.
— Speaking of the DNC, it, too, is riddled with corruption. Currently, the party leadership organization is facing a class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of supporters of onetime Democratic presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders “for rigging the primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton,” the Observer reported. In addition, another suit was filed against the DNC earlier this year by Clinton campaign field workers who were not paid any overtime, though the DNC’s convention committee passed out $1 million in bonuses.
— Former Democratic Rep. Corinne Brown was convicted in May on a number of charges related to a fake charity, after having served in Congress since 1993.
— The Florida Democratic Party’s race to fill its chairmanship was also plagued with scandal, after Stephen Bittel, a billionaire donor, broke party rules to win the race.
— The Democratic corruption also reaches into the U.S. Senate, where Bob Menendez of New Jersey has gone through his entire appeals process and will now face trial in September on bribery charges.
— We can’t leave out Chicago, home to Obama and rife with Democratic corruption. There, Mayor Rahm Emanuel (a former Obama admin official) is facing a tough reelection battle because his office has been scandal-plagued, including the cover-up of a police shooting involving an unarmed black teenager in 2015, Laquan McDonald. Emanuel’s biggest labor union supporter, John Coli Sr., was indicted recently on extortion charges.
And we haven’t even touched on the corruption in the Democratic strongholds of California and New York. Read the entire Observer piece here.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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