Susan Rice, the former National Security Adviser under Barack Obama, has been in the news quite a bit lately after admitting that she intentionally unmasked the names of officials working on the Trump campaign. Naturally, the democrats and the mainstream media rushed to Rice’s defense in a desperate attempt to cover it up, claiming that she did nothing wrong and the accusations made against her amounted to – to quote a failed 2016 presidential nominee – a “nothing burger.”
But one thing about Susan Rice that doesn’t seem to be getting as much attention has to do with how much she made as a federal employee, and where her net worth currently sits.
When Susan Rice started off as National Security Adviser, she was making roughly $170,000 per year, which is certainly a lot but not necessarily unheard of for public sector jobs. Even when her annual salary eventually increased to $172,000, she was still bringing home over $120,000 per year if you account for a 30 percent tax rate. However, the part that has many people scratching their heads has to do with Rice’s net worth, which right now is an astonishing $50 million. For someone who spent their life in the public sector, this just doesn’t seem to make sense. Something else must be going on here.
Earlier this year, the Washington Times pointed out that Rice served as a foreign policy aide to the failed Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis in 1988 “before latching onto Bill Clinton’s victorious 1992 bid.” That means that Rice has been formally working for the government for a full 24 years. If Susan Rice had been paid an annual salary of $172,000 for those 24 years, then that would make her net worth around $4,128,000, which is still pretty far off from $50 million.
In 2012, The Washington Post reported that Susan Rice’s net worth was over $20 million, which is certainly closer to $50 million, but that still leaves $30 million unaccounted for. Where did that money come from? Furthermore, how is it possible that Rice’s net worth more than doubled in just five years since 2012?
An NPR article from 2012 points out that Susan Rice owns stock in TransCanada, which is the company responsible for the Keystone XL project opposed by the vast majority of democrats in Washington D.C. In addition to owning stock in TransCanada that is valued at anywhere between $300,000 and $600,000, the NPR article states that “about a third of Rice’s personal net worth is tied up in oil producers, pipeline operators, and related energy industries north of the 49th parallel – including companies with poor environmental and safety records on both U.S. and Canadian soil.”
It sure is ironic how Susan Rice supports big government progressives like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama who believe in radical environmentalism while at the same time profiting off of the company responsible for the “controversial” Keystone XL project. You see, if you support the Keystone pipeline, you get blamed for destroying the earth, but when a democrat like Susan Rice actually makes money off of it, there is silence from the left. It is utterly and completely hypocritical.
Furthermore, it is also hypocritical of Susan Rice to support demagogues like Barack Obama who are constantly talking about the income gap and how the rich need to “pay their fair share,” while she herself is worth $50 million. According to her fellow democrats, Susan Rice is part of the greedy 1% percent that is hoarding the vast majority of the nation’s wealth. Rice should follow her party’s platform and redistribute 45 or 50 percent of that money to other Americans who may not necessarily deserve it. After all, liberals like Susan Rice are all about equality and fairness, right?
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