For months after President Donald J. Trump claimed he likely would have also won the popular vote in November had it not been for “millions” of illegal ballots being cast, Democrats and far-Left media mouthpieces have ridiculed him repeatedly, claiming the evidence for his claims doesn’t exist.
And yet, after he formed his voter fraud commission to get to the bottom of whether or not it exists and to what extent, Democrats and Democrat-aligned groups have gone out of their way to thwart the effort, calling it nothing but a scheme to suppress votes.
But as time passes it is becoming more and more evident that the president is onto something, as a lawsuit filed in federal court this week in Florida further demonstrates.
As reported by Lifezette, the chief Broward County elections official appeared in court in Miami as a defendant, “where she will have to explain why” the county “has more registered voters than citizens of voting age — a voter registration rate of 103 percent,” the site noted.
Further, the official will also likely be asked to explain how it’s possible the county — with the state’s highest concentration of Democrats — has thousands of “registered voters” over the age of 100, with some being as old as 130.
The suit was filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), on behalf of the American Civil Rights Union, or ACRU. Logan Churchwell, the organization’s lead researcher, told Lifezette he counted “thousands” of people who were 100 or more on the country’s voter data rolls that were submitted to the federal Election Assistance Commission after the 2014 election.
“It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dead, but if you’re 130 years old, either find a gravestone or call Guinness,” he said, referring to the famous book of records.
Lifezette noted further:
The case illustrates the very real problem with so many voter rolls in the country, where elected supervisors have often neglected, or even refused, to take steps to ensure that the roll is an accurate list of eligible registered voters.
For his part, Trump has often said the voter fraud problem lies with outdated, inaccurate registration lists. Many people are registered in multiple states and vote, he has said, adding that dead people vote and illegal aliens are able to cast ballots as well. (Related: Voter fraud investigation: Trump criticizes Left-wing states over failure to comply with voter commission’s information requests.)
In Broward County, meanwhile, Churchwell testified in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida regarding the failure of Brenda Snipes, the supervisor of elections, to maintain an up-to-date voter registration list.
The ACRU says that the roll contains the names of perhaps tens of thousands of people who are ineligible to vote or who are no longer alive.
The suit has been brought on behalf of Andrea Bellitto, of Broward County, who contends that her vote, along with thousands of other county residents, either was or could be canceled out by thousands of illegal or improper votes.
Anytime researchers have seriously sought to investigate voter fraud, they have turned up substantial evidence that it exists:
— Trump himself has cited a 2012 study by the Pew Research Center on the States that found the process of voter registration “inaccurate, costly and inefficient,” noting that researchers found “evidence that America’s voter registration system needs an upgrade.” The report noted: “Voter registration in the United States largely reflects its 19th-century origins and has not kept pace with advancing technology and a mobile society. States’ systems must be brought into the 21st century to be more accurate, cost-effective, and efficient.”
— In June NewsTarget reported that a just-released independent study estimated that as many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast ballots in the 2008 presidential election, a figure that, if accurate, was no doubt much higher eight years later, taking into consideration the Democrats’ never-ending legal battle against any and all efforts to ensure the accuracy of voter registration lists.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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