In many ways, humanity has become slaves to technology. It has gotten to a point where we are no longer simply using it to make our day-to-day lives easier; we are using it because we can’t stop. Most people are incapable of going more than a few minutes without obsessively checking their cell phones to see if they have any new texts, emails or notifications on social media. It’s becoming more and more common to see children, sometimes as young as two or three years old, using tablets to play games or watch videos.
As a result of this technology addiction, many of us don’t even realize that we are losing certain skills that were once required to live our day-to-day lives. These are skills that most of us knew how to do, but no longer need thanks to the plethora of gadgets and devices that can now do the work for us. Below is a list of basic life skills that have been all but destroyed by technology.
Whether it is tying a boat to a dock or using a rope to rappel down the side of a cliff, many people today don’t know how to tie even the most basic of knots without the aid of a Google Internet search. Knots such as the square knot, the clove hitch, the bowline, the taut line hitch and the fisherman’s knot are all being quickly forgotten.
This skill is particularly useful should there ever come a day when you are forced to live off the grid. Years ago, people used to be able to better identify which plants were edible and which plants weren’t safe to eat. But just like knot tying, this is a skill that has been destroyed by technology. Thanks to the convenience of the Internet, people no longer feel the need to memorize what foods are edible and what foods aren’t.
There is now an app that allows you to order food from popular fast food chains from the comfort of your living room. A hired driver will go out to the local Burger King or McDonald’s, pick up your order for you, and then drive it to your house and deliver it straight to your front door. Why learn how to bake from scratch when technology makes things so much more convenient?
Young people today may not know this, but there once was a time when speed dial didn’t exist. You couldn’t just find your friends name on a screen and then tap on it to call. Years ago, you actually had to memorize telephone numbers and punch them into the phone one digit at a time. This is yet another skill that has been lost because of advancements in technology.
Why take the time to get out a piece of paper and do long division when you can find the answer to virtually any math problem with the help of a calculator? Most phones today are equipped with calculators as well, meaning that all of the long division or multiplication skills you ever need can fit right inside your pocket.
Man has had the ability to create fire since the beginning of time. It used to be done with nothing more than some logs, a pile of kindling, and maybe a couple of rocks to bang together to make a spark. Today, thanks to technology, people are able to throw a fire starter inside the fireplace, touch a lighter to it, and have a roaring fire within seconds. Some fireplaces and fire pits even have the ability to practically light themselves with the turn of a knob. If man can no longer create fire without technological assistance, maybe mankind is, in some ways, moving backward instead of forwards.
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