The UK needs to accommodate 243,000 new households annually. The housing shortage is compounded by the influx of migrants. Nearly half of the housing foreseeably needed over the next 22 years will be for migrants, according to government figures. 2.4 million out of 5.3 million new properties will be needed to house migrants, therefore one new home needs to be constructed every five minutes to handle the growing migrant population.
Chairman of Migration Watch, Lord Green of Deddington, released figures last week citing 45 percent of the housing demand is to fill the needs of migrants. At a conservative estimate, 300 homes need to be built daily just to house the new arrivals.
“To put the point slightly more dramatically, that would mean building a new home every five minutes night and day, for new arrivals until such a time as we can get those numbers down,” said Lord Green. New immigration controls will phase in after Brexit goes into effect, but could take years until the UK sees a decline in migration. Brexit’s implementation will have a migration reduction effect, marking the end of the free inward movement. (RELATED: Find more open borders news at
Migration Watch admits that recent figures are low in comparison to the actual amount of migration, so the 45 percent housing for migrants statistic is indeed an underestimate. The government’s housing needs figures are under their actual target. “I know there is a strong view in the House that there is a lot to be said for migration. All I am pointing out is that there are also costs” said Lord Green.
Official labor force survey data shows 90 percent of newly constructed housing in the UK over the last decade have been filled by outsiders. In London, people are claiming that all new housing has gone to those born overseas. The UK housing shortage is impacting people’s lives because the increase in demand makes for an increase in price. The English Housing Survey figures show 43 percent of income is spent on housing costs. The high cost leads to poor living conditions where unaffordability is offset by the overcrowding of a dwelling. (RELATED: Find sanctuary cities news at
Britain wishes to continue with their long history of welcoming refugees, but it is seemingly becoming detrimental to their citizens. Migration Watch believes that “sustainable levels of properly managed immigration are of benefit to society,” but it’s easy to gauge that the current housing crisis is a direct result of poorly managed immigration.
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