(NationalSecurity.news) A top Iranian general says his country’s air defenses have “warned off” more than a dozen aircraft and drones during military drills the country is currently conducting, according to state media which, naturally, is nothing more than a propaganda arm for the government. Still, the claim bears some consideration, because it fits a pattern of increasingly aggressive behavior by Tehran since the Obama administration essentially paid the country off over a bogus “nuclear deal” so President Obama could have a “legacy.”
Behavior that, ultimately, will not end well for Iran, given the foreign policy and military team President-elect Donald J. Trump is assembling.
As reported by The Associated Press:
An Iranian general said Wednesday that his country’s air defenses have warned off several fighter jets and drones during an ongoing military drill.
“In the past three days of military drills, the air defense has given warnings to 12 aircraft of trans-regional countries to stay away from the country’s airspace.” Gen. Abbas Farajpour was quoted as saying by the semi-official Tasnim news agency. Tasnim, which is close to Iran’s military, said the aircraft included U.S. fighter jets and drones.
Calls to the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, based in Bahrain, rang unanswered Wednesday. In recent months, the 5th Fleet has complained about interactions with Iran’s military at sea and in the air.
Add to these confrontations the fact that the Obama administration did not punish Iran for its blatantly illegal capture of U.S. sailors in January, paid what was essentially a ransom to get back four American hostages (setting a terrible precedent in the process), and has made a “deal” that sees Iran keeping its nuclear infrastructure in place over the long term, and you can begin to understand why the mullahs running the Islamic republic feel emboldened to act out against American forces.
But this acting out will come at a terrible price under a Trump administration, if Iran continues to push and goad U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf and throughout the Middle East. Trump’s Cabinet selections for secretary of defense, the State Department and national security team give every indication he won’t be, shall we say, as accommodating to the Iranians as Obama has been. In fact, Trump has said he’ll rip up the Iranian “nuclear deal” (though top Israeli defense officials may want to talk him out of that).
We’ve said it before and will say it again: The Iranians are playing with fire, betting that Trump is the buffoonish cartoon character the political Left has made him out to be. He isn’t. And if the mullahs make one wrong calculation, they’re going to find out just how wrong they were by paying a terrible price.
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