(Freedom.news) He didn’t actually say the words, but you could tell earlier this week when President-elect Trump was discussing the most recent terrorist attack in Europe–sometimes it isn’t any fun being right.
On Wednesday, Trump called the killings in Berlin, Germany, and the recent attacks in Turkey “terrible,” then suggested he has not backed off his campaign pledge to ban resettlement and migration to the U.S. from countries where Islamic jihadists are breeding the next wave of attackers.
“You know my plans. All along, I’ve been proven to be right. 100% correct. What’s happening is disgraceful,” Trump told reporters Wednesday when asked whether the recent violence has influenced his proposed Muslim ban, Time reported.
Trump described the attack at a Berlin Christmas market as an “attack on humanity.”
“That’s what it is: an attack on humanity,” he said. “And it’s got to be stopped.”
Trump said he had not spoken with President Obama since the attacks–as if the outgoing administration had any real advice to give the president-elect and his foreign policy team. The Obama regime is in large part responsible for the chaos throughout the Middle East, having directly or tacitly supported every single “Arab spring” uprising that has toppled government after government and sown civil war across the region.
And terrorism.
“Innocent civilians were murdered in the streets as they prepared to celebrate the Christmas holiday,” Trump said in an initial statement about the attack on Monday. “ISIS and other Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad.”
Of course, Trump’s “ban on Muslims”–a simplistic phrase the ‘mainstream’ media love to use to fuel division among Americans–is much more complex than a simple campaign statement. He seems genuinely concerned about U.S. national security and the potential threat posed to our country by the admission of tens of thousands of “refugees” from a part of the world known to breed and support terrorism. Obama has no problem putting the country he supposedly loves at risk; he’s opening the floodgates on his way out the door.
But Trump is making clear he wants none of it. And neither do most Americans.
Every new terrorist act proves that Trump, not Obama and the extreme Left who seek to disrupt his presidency, is right about a pause in immigration and resettlement from lands dominated by Islamic extremism. And he appears set on maintaining his position.
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